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Doubt and Conspiracy

Please let me take a moment to clear up these misunderstandings of who and what the Republic is before rendering such a harsh judgment.
The Republic is you and it’s me. The Republic and the liberty and justice for which it stands are what Americans have fought and died to preserve. The men and women who re-inhabited the Republic for the United States of America are just such Americans, lovers of liberty and justice for all. They love their country and what’s more they love their government. That may be a little surprising to you but it is true. The UNITED STATES government in Washington D.C. is a corporate fiction under foreign control acting as our government. That is what we oppose. If you believe in the principles of liberty your founding fathers established in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, you should also oppose being controlled by foreign interests. Knowing this and expressing this does not mean that someone hates their country or is anti-government. In fact, just the opposite is true. We are appalled that a for-profit corporation has usurped the lawful government that belongs to the American People. Most Americans are not aware of this, the true conspiracy.

Our goal is to awaken the American People to this truth. We believe most Americans love their country and want to respect and trust their government. We feel exactly the same way. However the mainstream news media wants to portray all liberty minded constitutional minded Americans as part of some kind of radical violent overthrow conspiracy. I’m sure that there may be a few people out there who think that way but it is not an accurate statement. Most blanket statements like this are not. The men and women of the Republic for the United States of America refuse to be put in that category.

The Republic for the United States of America is the original government restored. It simply needs the American People to reoccupy all the seats of government as is their right and obligation. Please take some time to explore our website. The executive summary is a detailed and accurate story of how we got to this point in time. The facts and events therein have been verified. It may take some courage to read but you and all Americans will be armed with the knowledge of truth after reading it. I hope this has helped to clear up some misunderstandings of what the Republic is all about. You are of course entitled to your own opinion.
God bless America and God bless the Republic.

Extended Question:

For example mandatory taxes on people for their property of any kind. Because without your organization recognizing truly free people you will only rewind history and replay it. Government without EVERY persons consent after all is just slavery.


I’m not sure that you understand what the Republic for the United States of America is or is about. Therefore your questions are probably not appropriate. The Republic is not a group, movement or organization. The Republic for the United States of America is not interested in ruling anyone. Apparently someone has misinformed you as to our purpose. The Republic is the birthright of every American.

I would like to point you to our mission statement, FAQ’s and other documents on our website. Please take the time to go over some of this material for a better understanding of what the Republic is about. There you may find that we agree on many issues such as taxes, property rights and ownership, God given unalienable rights for all people and consent of the people for government. However I may point out that not everyone may consent or agree on everything. That is one reason why the Republican form of government that our founding fathers established required two houses of congress. Their purpose was to properly represent the people so that the concerns and rights of all the people would be addressed and protected.

I urge you to consider the difference between freedom and liberty. In essence freedom without responsibility leads to anarchy. What we advocate is liberty (freedom with responsibility) for all. Government will always be necessary in order to protect the weak against those who would abuse them; a government ruled by laws that ensure individual Rights and Liberties. We advocate such a government. It is not a democracy. It is a representative republic. The same government paid for with the blood of our forefathers. All the American people are saying is that they want their Republic back.

These are great questions. The answer is that it has already happened. It was announced to the world in 2010 and has been very much in the public. The fact that you are able to communicate with us is evidence of that.
The American People are the Republic! The seats of the lawful original de jure constitutional government are here for the American People to finish occupying. The Republic for the United States is lawfully occupying many of these seats and holds in its hands the keys to open the door to the remainder of the seats.

Extended Question:

Looking at your website and reading the information it sounds pretty good. I would like to help but I don’t want to be a part of something that promotes crime or harbors criminal elements of society. Would you address this issue?


Since your question / comments are general in nature and not specific to any one instance I will address them as follows.
First it is important to understand fully that the Republic for the United States of America belongs to all Americans. It’s the “we the people…” of the preamble to the Constitution. It’s the “we’” in “We hold these truths to be self evident…” in the Declaration of independence. As you see in the context presented above, the people, (“We”), are not an organization and neither is the Republic for the United States of America (Republic). This is an important foundational fact to establish in order to address the rest of your comments.
Since the Republic is not only restoring the Constitution it is returning to the precepts of the common law of God which is the foundation of the original Statutes at large.These would be the laws passed prior to the establishment of the Corporation which were not repugnant to the Constitution. In fact the common law of God is the basis for our entire law form. These concepts of law do not promote criminal activity or condone the harboring of criminal fugitives. The Republic consist of peaceful and law abiding men and women.
The Media and some law enforcement have purposely attempted to link the Republic and Republic people to criminal activities. This is a gross mis-characterization of the people that make up the Republic. There appears to be a very well organized and funded smear campaign to discredit the Republic. The people of the Republic for the United States of America stand firmly for responsible personal conduct and lawful behavior. This is why some people chose not to stand with us.
The standards of liberty of self government and personal behavior established by our founding fathers and reconfirmed by the Republic are very high. They took them very serious then just as we do today. It is unfortunate that those who make these blanket accusations don’t abide by a similar moral, ethical and lawful standard. Again, this effort is apparently intended to discredit the Republic and not to expose truth about criminal activity. If that was truly the case they have an ample supply of immoral, Unethical and criminal behavior within their own ranks to keep them occupied for a long time.
Finally I would remind you that it is the hypocrites of the unlawful corporation and the self-righteous willing accomplices in the media that make many of these allegations, so consider the source. By no means does that mean that the Republic indorses or condones truly unlawful or criminal behavior by anyone. The rule of law, due process of law and true justice should always prevail and not blanket innuendo in the court of public opinion. It is part of the responsibility of self government to read, research, and think for ourselves.

The Republic for the United States of America is taking the steps currently possible to ensure a republican form of government is established in each of the States as directed by Article 4 section 4 of the Constitution: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.”

It is up to the American People to fill the seats and take back what belongs to them. The Republic for the United States of America working together with the executive branch of each free State will take every step to facilitate the people of their free state to begin occupying their vacant seats, but the ultimate responsibility falls upon the American People. The lawful de jure governments, be it national, state, or local, are there to facilitate a means of self governance for the American People.

Extended Question:

… this is all confusing. I want to be a part of restoring America but which is the true group that is restoring it? I sent you an email a while back asking about joining and about a problem I as having with the corporate state office, Health Dept., but really don’t recall getting an answer?? Since a blogger on the General Ham Republic mentioned Tim Turner, my guess you both are the same assembly? Is this true? I need some clarification on this, can you help me? Thank you.


The interim President of the Republic for the United States of America is James Buchanan Geiger. I am not aware that General Ham has ever claimed to be the President of anything. Others seem to be rather loose with the Generals name and this claim. This same group made two or three claims of this last year and each time it was presented as if it had just happened the day or night before. Likewise this group has stated a number of times in the past that the RV happened “last night”.
I am not aware of any verifiable evidence of whom or what this group really is. Their claims always seem to be centered on someone or something that cannot be substantiated. I would caution everyone that there is a lot of disinformation that is continually spread on the internet for the designed purpose of distracting people. You mentioned that it is all confusing. Unsubstantiated claims typically muddy the waters and at times that appears to be the purpose.
One thing is for certain: there is no affiliation between their claims and the Republic for the United States of America. Everything that we do is out in the open. Our website documents state what we are about and the basis in law for our position and status. Please take some time to go through the Republic website and see how you can get involved in restoring constitutional government to America.
You also brought up some issues you were having with corporate agencies. The Republic for the United States is not part of that jurisdiction and does not get involved with their jurisdiction. This is likely why you did not receive a response to that issue. We are restoring lawful righteous constitutional government to the land. When this job has been completed, unlawful undelegated authority will no longer prevail over the people. For information about the Republic for the United States of America stick with the Republic website.

This is somewhat difficult to answer accurately. Some supporters are very active and openly work out front to further the cause of liberty. Others wish to support while remaining anonymous—not wanting their names in the public for various reasons. There are some who have been scared off because someone has told them that the idea of restoring liberty to the American People is, by some wild stretch, an “illegal” act. In their hearts, and privately, they express their support. Many have expressed support in open actions, but only verbalize their support in very private settings because of their current position in life.

We respect and appreciate all positions of support. We encourage everyone to work and get involved to help shoulder the load. There are groups and organizations we hear about through alternative media sources we have not heard of before. They, however, have heard of us and express their support openly. It really is difficult to be accurate in regards to numbers. We continue to see growing interest and major avenues of support.

Still other, countless Americans, are waking up daily to the fact that there is something drastically wrong with how the supposed government operates. We continue to hold outstretched arms to all Americans and offer them the ability to take back their government. More and more Americans are freely donating their time and money to establish and continue their interim government. What can you do to help? Support the Constitution for the United States of America and help restore the Republic.

Always (especially in this age of the internet and information gathering/sharing) look at the motivations and/or intentions of those who submit (dis)information. Look at the manner; the tactics, used in that submission. Be vigilant in questioning the overall accuracy of the information comprising that submission.

At this time, the most notable facts surrounding the attacks made on General Vallely are:
General Vallely has been very outspoken pertaining to the successful restoration of a Lawful, Constitutional government and his willingness to work with similarly minded people, groups, organizations, and most importantly (to Us), the Republic for the United States of America. On the other hand, he has spared no words in his criticisms, and condemnation of the D.C. crowd and their agendas.

One must ask: What does he have to gain from making such a visible stand?

One of his more virulent critics is Gordon Duff and his ‘sources,’ who use ‘Veterans Today’ as their ‘Bully Pulpit’. After spending time reviewing the VT website, it can safely be said that there is much info and debate aplenty about de facto government activities, but, it all seems to fall within the neat little box of parameters, which the de facto has dictated as being acceptable for politically correct debate and polite discussion. With General Vallely as the example, apparently, ‘slinging mud’, regardless of a REAL check for accuracy is an acceptable tactic. We would call this character assassination. This practice has been perfected by Washington elites to discredit those opposed to their imperialistic agenda.

One must ask why. One must ask: What do those in Duff’s ‘camp’ have to gain by their attack on a general, of no little esteem, who refuses to remain silent in his disdain for (some might say) a criminal cabal.

You may also note that there is no mention on the VT website about the resent video post from ISIS. In this video ISIS calls for the beheading of the General because of his active support for their enemy. This is totally contrary to the rhetoric that VT has on their website concerning the General. Perhaps there is a more pertinent question that should be asked. Why does it appear that Mr. Gordon has not taken the time to seek out all of the facts and only publish those things that cannot be credibly verified? It is important that we do not fall into the snare of believing personal attacks based on someone’s opinion.

Please visit the links below as a good place to start to gather info for yourself.

StandUpAmerica-response to VT Gordon Duff fabrication on ISIS

Threat of Kidnapping and Beheading General Vallely by ISIS


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Information about the interim government that is restoring Operations under the Constitution for the United States of America