How many members/supporters of the Republic are there currently?

This is somewhat difficult to answer accurately. Some supporters are very active and openly work out front to further the cause of liberty. Others wish to support while remaining anonymous—not wanting their names in the public for various reasons. There are some who have been scared off because someone has told them that the idea of restoring liberty to the American People is, by some wild stretch, an “illegal” act. In their hearts, and privately, they express their support. Many have expressed support in open actions, but only verbalize their support in very private settings because of their current position in life.

We respect and appreciate all positions of support. We encourage everyone to work and get involved to help shoulder the load. There are groups and organizations we hear about through alternative media sources we have not heard of before. They, however, have heard of us and express their support openly. It really is difficult to be accurate in regards to numbers. We continue to see growing interest and major avenues of support.

Still other, countless Americans, are waking up daily to the fact that there is something drastically wrong with how the supposed government operates. We continue to hold outstretched arms to all Americans and offer them the ability to take back their government. More and more Americans are freely donating their time and money to establish and continue their interim government. What can you do to help? Support the Constitution for the United States of America and help restore the Republic.

Category: Doubt and Conspiracy, Restoring the Republic
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