Executive Summary

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Executive Summary for the Republic

…cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be able to subvert the Power of the People and to usurp for themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion…The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all departments in one, and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism…”

— George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

It has been over 224 years since President Washington delivered the above farewell address warning in plain language of abusive people behind the scenes who would eventually try to destroy our representative American Republic. It has been a long drawn out process to get us to where we are today in America. The American People discovered that our Constitution has been subjugated and circumvented deceptively; changing our form of governance from a representative republic to a corporate democracy without our knowledge or consent. So, the American People lawfully and peacefully reclaimed our representative republic through the Declaration of Sovereign Intent and Proclamation of Claim and Right of Interest thereby re-inhabiting our representative republic, the Republic for the United States of America.  This is our original Republic, the one to which we swear our allegiance every time we swear allegiance to our flag.

Americans have discovered how the deep state has caused harm, both to themselves and nations around the world.  We want the American People to know that many loyal Americans are working to expose the unlawful actions of the deep state and all the associated corporations involved. Our goal is to stabilize America and its economy, with the intent of freeing the American People and People around the world from the despots.

The American People had high hopes that President Donald J. Trump would have enjoyed a second term in office and been able to fulfil the promise he made in his inaugural address that he would transfer power back to the American People:

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.

This could have only meant one thing: President Trump was working to finish the job that Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy attempted; that of restoring the Republic. Both of these Presidents were assassinated before they could finish the transition. He was kept from this task by deep state operatives.

Americans are now dealing with complete despotism, basically the third term of President Obama who is working fast to destroy both the American way of life and the American People.

With the help of God, the American People can prevail in lawfully preventing more atrocities from being committed. Our Nation must be restored back to a virtuous, righteous and honorable Nation in peace and harmony with the world. We humbly ask for your prayers and support as we go through this transition and may God have mercy on us all.

When the American People rose up to Restore the Republic the Obama Administration and the deep state joined forces, much like they did to  defeat President Trump, in order to confound the valid lawful efforts of the American People to Restore the Republic.

They did this by demonizing our efforts in the fake news media, infiltrating our ranks to cause division and ultimately falsely arresting and prosecuting the appointed President of the interim Republic, James Timothy Turner. At the same time they arrested President Turner one of their agents falsely spread word that everyone participating in the restoration of the Republic would also be arrested.

Had it not been for the unlawful intervention of the Obama Administration, the deep state, including the fake news media and controlled social media the Republic would have been fully restored back in 2010. Well it’s time for the American People to get their Republic back. It’s time for the American People, working together, to remedy what was wrongfully done to the American People going all the way back to when the Republic was lost. It’s time to restore the Republic.

The deep state is bent on the destruction of America as we have known it. The only solution is the return to our republican form of governance as guaranteed by Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution by restoring power back to the American People as President Trump promised in his inaugural address.

Many Americans across the nation have reported being divinely compelled to get involved and support their Republic.  We also hear the American People say they know it’s the right thing to do.

The changes being forced upon the American People at this time by the current deep state Obama led administration can and should no longer be tolerated by the American People. The only workable, peaceful and lawful way to fix the current situation is for the American People to get behind their Republic in mass.

Many who walk in the halls of power and who have sworn an oath to defend our Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies are speaking out about the necessity of change in our country. We invite all who love America to join hands with us for the sake of ourselves and our posterity.  The Founding Fathers expressed through the Declaration of Independence and in their personal correspondence their reliance upon “Divine Providence,” so it is with us!  Looking back, we can see that the Republic instituted by our Fore Fathers was in fact the handwork of our Divine Creator. May He once more intervene as the American People cry out to him for favor.

Listen to the Executive Summary Here.

Information about the interim government that is restoring Operations under the Constitution for the United States of America