Please help me understand about this Republic for the US of America. Who is the interim president? Is this the same as General Ham acting as interim president, which they have declared the Corporate US Government null and void? Are there two groups of people trying to restore America?

Extended Question:

… this is all confusing. I want to be a part of restoring America but which is the true group that is restoring it? I sent you an email a while back asking about joining and about a problem I as having with the corporate state office, Health Dept., but really don’t recall getting an answer?? Since a blogger on the General Ham Republic mentioned Tim Turner, my guess you both are the same assembly? Is this true? I need some clarification on this, can you help me? Thank you.


The interim President of the Republic for the United States of America is James Buchanan Geiger. I am not aware that General Ham has ever claimed to be the President of anything. Others seem to be rather loose with the Generals name and this claim. This same group made two or three claims of this last year and each time it was presented as if it had just happened the day or night before. Likewise this group has stated a number of times in the past that the RV happened “last night”.
I am not aware of any verifiable evidence of whom or what this group really is. Their claims always seem to be centered on someone or something that cannot be substantiated. I would caution everyone that there is a lot of disinformation that is continually spread on the internet for the designed purpose of distracting people. You mentioned that it is all confusing. Unsubstantiated claims typically muddy the waters and at times that appears to be the purpose.
One thing is for certain: there is no affiliation between their claims and the Republic for the United States of America. Everything that we do is out in the open. Our website documents state what we are about and the basis in law for our position and status. Please take some time to go through the Republic website and see how you can get involved in restoring constitutional government to America.
You also brought up some issues you were having with corporate agencies. The Republic for the United States is not part of that jurisdiction and does not get involved with their jurisdiction. This is likely why you did not receive a response to that issue. We are restoring lawful righteous constitutional government to the land. When this job has been completed, unlawful undelegated authority will no longer prevail over the people. For information about the Republic for the United States of America stick with the Republic website.

Category: Doubt and Conspiracy, Restoring the Republic

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