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Remedy and Recourse

The most important concept to grasp concerning these type questions is that the Republic, itself, is the ultimate solution for these issues. Once the American people embrace their Republic in mass, then we will all be able to experience liberty and justice for all for the first time in our lives. As it stands, very few of us Americans can grasp just how different things will be once our Republic is back in place.

Just the implementation of lawful money back in circulation will solve a multitude of abuses. The “Lincoln Greenback” is the best example we have of real money. Don’t forget, our forefathers fought the War of Independence and earned the right for our Republic to coin it’s own money. Since then, we, as a nation, had absolutely no need to “borrow” money from a “central bank,” our source of financial ruin.

Next, consider the fact that only lawful taxes will be collected and that the collection of these lawful constitutional taxes will be more than enough to serve the needs of lawful governance. Our hard earned gains will no longer end up in the coffers of the super elite.

Once the Republic is back in place, the average American will be just as strong as the government, judicially.  No agency or corporation will dare trample on your God given unalienable rights. In other words, the Republic Judicial branch of government will be on your side, protecting your rights and ensuring a fair trial. The ultimate judicial authority will again be in the hands of an informed jury of your peers. Please remember, we have no common law, but our Constitution and it will again be the law of the land.

For now, Republic courts can only adjure cases that are internal to the Republic. This means that no Republic court has any discourse with any de facto court while we are in this interim phase of this great Republic. As you may have heard the only thing standing in the way of the American people getting their Republic back is mass participation. Please ask yourself what it is that you can do to help inform the American people about their Republic.

The Republic for the United States of America is not a group or movement. It is not related to or associated with any movement though many people support the Republic. As far as what they or anyone else is looking for that would be hard to determine since many appear to be seeking various agendas, personal remedy, or in some cases a type of revenge.

The Republic for the United States of America is not about personal agendas, personal remedy or revenge. We are peaceful law abiding men and women. It is simply the vehicle to restore constitutional government to the American people. We are working lawfully to return to the republican form of government that the Constitution for the United States of America guarantees to all the States in union. The corruption and abuse of the current system is beyond question. The simple solution is to return to Constitutional government. We choose to ONLY follow methods that can be supported by law and achieved through honorable means. We do not associate with others who are unlawful or violent, thus we are not part of some so-called sovereign citizen movement as defined by de facto agencies.

The Republic for the United States of America recognizes the unalienable God given rights of all people. We support lawful responsible personal behavior. The question as to if we are looking for the same results others are looking for can only be answered by them. Our goals are clearly and openly stated.

The People of the Republic for the United States of America do not now, nor have we ever supported any intent of over-throwing the corporation acting as the de facto United States government. We advocate peaceful, non-violent methods to restore and maintain a republican form of governance as guaranteed by the constitution. We will never advocate or take part in the kidnapping of, or violence against, any public official; nor do we affiliate with any hate groups; nor would we participate in any terrorist attack against the U.S. corporate government or any public or private official. We love our fellow man, America, its People and the Republic for which our flag stands. We believe that the rule of law should be applied justly and equally to all, both small and great without regard to race,
gender, color, financial status, handicap, or religious affiliation. In short, we believe in treating our fellow man as we would like to be treated. We show tolerance and respect toward corporate law enforcement officers even when those officers, through lack of knowledge, may violate or infringe upon our unalienable rights. We are not tax protesters or “Sovereign Citizens” as defined by the UNITED STATES and Homeland Security. We believe in conducting the business of Republic governance in the open, not in secret meetings. We hold that the People intend to thoroughly research the Law and the intent of the founders. We are willing to assist the corporate local, state, or national leaders, such as governors, congressmen, senators or representatives in coming to a clearer understanding of their constitutional duties and obligations to the American People.

The corporation (UNITED STATES), its sub-corporations, and those running them, are benefiting grossly from their operations and must be held accountable. All accounts and properties of those individuals and corporations knowingly responsible for participating in dishonorable and unlawful activities must make restitution to those they have harmed. This may include liquidation, under Rules of Common Law (the Law of the Land), of large family estates, all trusts, all properties, companies, LLC’s, LLP’s, so-called charitable organizations etc., that may have been passed from family member to family member, or even to other individuals or entities. Every lawful and honorable means of recovery will be used, and every attempt will be made to recompense victims.

This will not relieve anyone from personal responsibility. Nor should it be assumed that all debts should necessarily be wiped out. It does mean that the American People will benefit from the real value of their land and property. They will have real money to pay debts and benefit from the product of their own credit. It means the end of predatory lending practices, abusive unlawful banking, and rape by foreclosure.

The corporation (UNITED STATES), its sub-corporations, and those running them, are benefiting grossly from their illicit operations, and will be held accountable. All accounts and properties of those individuals and corporations knowingly responsible for participating in dishonorable and unlawful activities must make restitution to those harmed. This will be accomplished according to the Rules of Common Law (the Law of the Land) and may include the liquidation of large family estates, all trusts, all properties, companies, LLC’s, LLP’s, so-called charitable organizations etc. that may have been passed from family member to family member, or even to other individuals or entities. Every lawful and honorable means of recovery will be used.

Embassies, both at home and abroad, are an important aspect of honorable and respectful relations with foreign nations. Republic embassies will become tools to protect the American People and their interests abroad. They will not be used to undermine the sovereign authority of the people of a nation. No nation will dare mistreat an American abroad without paying dire consequences.

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Information about the interim government that is restoring Operations under the Constitution for the United States of America