When will you be able to provide relief for Redress of Grievances? People are looking for remedy, not just talk. What about Common Law, Grand Juries and other remedies? as that seems to be more promising. … or I have a court case pending. How can the Republic help?

The most important concept to grasp concerning these type questions is that the Republic, itself, is the ultimate solution for these issues. Once the American people embrace their Republic in mass, then we will all be able to experience liberty and justice for all for the first time in our lives. As it stands, very few of us Americans can grasp just how different things will be once our Republic is back in place.

Just the implementation of lawful money back in circulation will solve a multitude of abuses. The “Lincoln Greenback” is the best example we have of real money. Don’t forget, our forefathers fought the War of Independence and earned the right for our Republic to coin it’s own money. Since then, we, as a nation, had absolutely no need to “borrow” money from a “central bank,” our source of financial ruin.

Next, consider the fact that only lawful taxes will be collected and that the collection of these lawful constitutional taxes will be more than enough to serve the needs of lawful governance. Our hard earned gains will no longer end up in the coffers of the super elite.

Once the Republic is back in place, the average American will be just as strong as the government, judicially.  No agency or corporation will dare trample on your God given unalienable rights. In other words, the Republic Judicial branch of government will be on your side, protecting your rights and ensuring a fair trial. The ultimate judicial authority will again be in the hands of an informed jury of your peers. Please remember, we have no common law, but our Constitution and it will again be the law of the land.

For now, Republic courts can only adjure cases that are internal to the Republic. This means that no Republic court has any discourse with any de facto court while we are in this interim phase of this great Republic. As you may have heard the only thing standing in the way of the American people getting their Republic back is mass participation. Please ask yourself what it is that you can do to help inform the American people about their Republic.

Category: Judicial, Remedy and Recourse

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