Category Archives: Special Broadcasts

Declaration of Sovereign Intent & Proclamation of Claim and Interest of the Republic for the United States of America- Read by Kelby Smith and Jean Hertler.

The Proclamation of Claim and Interest is of fundamental importance to the American People. After hearing this presentation you will better understand.

Inauguration Speech of President James Buchanan Geiger, Republic for the united States of America

You are listening to the Presidential Inauguration Speech of President James Buchanan Geiger, President of the Restored Republic, the interim government for the united States of America which is tasked with restoring operations under the Constitution for the united States of America.

Presidential Election Results: The Restored Republic Congress convened in Joint Session with the Senate counting the Elector’s votes on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 in the presence of several witnesses at Oklahoma free State.  James Buchanan Geiger of Alabama was the candidate who received the most votes for President.  The Presidential Inauguration of the newly elected de jure President took place at Memphis, Tennessee on March 4, 2014.  President James Buchanan Geiger was the first lawfully sworn-in President of the re-inhabited Republic by the Electoral College process in a 153 years (to the day) since his predecessor with a similar name, President James Buchanan (March 4, 1857 – March 4, 1861.) See Chapters Fifteen and Sixteen of Re-inhabited: Republic for the United States of America Volume II – The Story of the Re-inhabitation circa 2016 by Jean Hallahan Hertler and David Carl Hertler.

The Northwest Ordinance (1787) was the most important piece of legislation enacted by Congress under the Articles of Confederation. Some historians have claimed that the principles established in the Northwest Ordinance are so important that they actually formed part of the Constitution. Before the Constitution, the Northwest Ordinance promised a republican form of government for the territories. It guaranteed that residents in the territories would not be treated as second class citizens, and they would enter under the same terms as those states that were already part of the union. The Northwest Ordinance also ensured the equality of rights of Citizens of the new states with the rights of Citizens of the states that had fought the Revolution. Listed are some fundamental rights including trial by jury, habeas corpus, due process, and religious freedom. Excessive fines and cruel and unusual punishments were banned. The Northwest Ordinance accelerated westward expansion, established policies for the creation of new states and the admission of those states into the confederation.

Once the Constitution was approved, in 1789 the United States Congress made minor changes, such that the President, with the advice and consent of the United States Senate, had the power to appoint and remove the Governor and officers of the territory instead of Congress. On August 7, 1789, President George Washington signed the Northwest Ordinance of 1789 into law. The Supreme Court recognized the authority of the Northwest Ordinance of 1789 as constitutional in Strader v. Graham, 51 U.S. 82, 96, 97 (1851). After it was codified by the first de jure congress, it became known as 1 Statute 50.

Interim Government Transition to Permanent Office Holders per the Northwest Ordinance:
Provisional (Interim) terms of office are perpetual while acting in good behavior and ending when a de jure officer takes office following a transition election with at least thirty thousand (30,000) Republic Voters participating, unless removed from office for cause or by resignation. No other considerations for emoluments are made other than that the position is voluntary, without pay or personal gain. This position of terms, emoluments, pay and personal gain is the standard for all Interim positions and office holders. The American People acknowledge that the requirement to have a freehold estate is not possible at this time.

 Restored Republic Office Holders are charged with the following duties and obligations:
Supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States in a Provisional (Interim) capacity; Performing the duties of said office, in a Provisional (Interim) capacity; Attending Restored Republic conference calls; Promoting the Restored Republic; Diligently working toward having thirty thousand Republic Voters in each state so that transition elections can be held and; Remaining in honor and good standing.


Join Jim Carpenter, Roger Waters, David Hertler, Dean Henning and Mark Binder as they discuss this important topic. Thanks to David Broadhurst for hosting.

What is the difference between what the American People have accomplished already by establishing an interim government (Republic for the United States of America) vs. what others are calling a Convention of States?


Jim Carpenter and Roger Waters explained the importance of the “Proclamation and Claim of Right of Interest” that was served as notice to the world on behalf of the American People. They also exposed how the assets of The Corporation are being liquidated via injections into the economy thereby accessing birth certificate bonds. Could it be that he bonds are being cashed out to keep the beast system in operation. Jean and David Hertler contributed to the depth and importance of our American heritage.



Jim Carpenter led presentation of the Executive Summary continuing on the topic of the Northwest Ordinance and it’s importance as a model in government to provide the lawful jurisdiction for the American people as they exit the Corporate Democracy and enter the jurisdiction of the de jure American Republic, our heritage.


Listen as Jim Carpenter, Jean Hertler and Roger Waters explain the challenge Americans face in once more becoming self governing.


Listen as Jim Carpenter, Jean and David Hertler and Roger Waters challenge Americans to live up to our birthright. Explains the Republic in a nutshell.


Jim Carpenter led a presentation of the Executive Summary along with historians and authors David and Jean Hertler, Justice Roger Waters and Representative Mark Binder interjecting insight on this very important document that explains what the Restored Republic IS, and what it IS NOT while also including the historical background.

Just Say NO VAX

David Broadhurst says it’s time to come home to the Republic. He spoke about the disgraceful government heads and upper brass along with the need to promptly charge them with their crimes.
David Hertler said this crisis is showing the urgent need in this time to standup the Republic.
Jean Hertler opened the program referencing the current unlawful medical mandate and shared what our Founding Fathers had to say about the need of the people in resistance.
David Hertler talked about the crisis in America and that it’s time to standup the Republic.
Jim Carpenter said if we don’t stand now we’ll be on our knees forever.
Dean Henning exhorts Americans to stand up for our Military.
Roger Waters talked about the Stockholm Syndrome and how captives held for a period of time become bonded with their captors. He paralleled it to our current tyrannical government. The best thing to do is break the bond.
David Hertler spoke about the need to embrace the Declaration of Independence and why.
Dean Henning explained how get involved in standing up the Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “Prepare for the fake rapture.”
Jim Carpenter shared a profound and captivating personal history of the founding of our country.
David Broadhurst closed with what you hear here you won’t hear anywhere else. He exhorted the American people to join and stand up the Republic. “They’re fighting our Military. ..they’re attacking us from within.” There are upper brass that are terrorists. We need to reach out to all of our veterans. This is a call that we need you now. War is hell. This is real. We need you now. History is repeating itself and it’s evil.

Where is the Third Part?

Kelby Smith talked about “freedom.” Liberty comes from learning the Truth and acting upon it. Dean Henning presented how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic and exhorts the American people to educate themselves with the Re-inhabited book series.
Roger Waters presented “The time has come.”
Jim Carpenter ends with we’re at that turning point. We’re identifying the evil and calling them out so the righteous can get on with their lives. There’s accountability in knowing the truth. The reality is it’s time to choose a jurisdiction.
David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.