What is the difference between what the American People have accomplished already by establishing an interim government (Republic for the United States of America) vs. what others are calling a Convention of States?

Simply stated, the Restored Republic interim government is the lawful mechanism for the American People to join together to occupy the vacated seats of our de jure government. The specific guidelines of the Restored Republic interim government allow for growth and education followed by a period of transition back to Constitutional Governance. This is something that the American People already accomplished beginning in 2010 when they held a convention of state delegates to determine the best mechanism available to the American People to reseat our lost Republic.

They chose to establish an interim government to provide this mechanism for transition. In doing so, they chose to provide for the reseating of the vacated seats of our de jure government utilizing the Northwest Ordinance with the end result being a Constitutional Republic, bound to uphold our Constitution and bound to respect the God Given Unalienable Rights of the American People.  To this end, your servants holding seats and other volunteers for the Restored Republic have been working diligently to this very day.

I question those calling for a Convention of States. They state that they want to bring power back to the states and the people, where it belongs. Considering that the American People have already done the legwork, so to speak, in establishing an interim government to accomplish their goal, then why, may I ask, have they not channeled their energy and resources towards joining hands with the Restored Republic to accomplish that goal? Could it be that this is just another of many de facto ploys of distracting the American People from completely restoring our Republic? Do the American People really believe that a de facto convention of states will be able to free them from the deep state? Who do you think will be directing the agenda of such a convention? I hope someone can offer solid assurance that the end result will benefit the American People, but I have my doubts.

Put another way, the convention of states crowd are working within the confines of the corporate UNITED STATES whereas, the Republic for the United States was first founded by our Fore Fathers and then Reaffirmed by their Progeny in 2010. They assured that the Restored Republic would be operating outside, alongside and parallel to the corporate UNITED STATES, not under it.

It has also come to our attention that, if a Corporate Convention of States is convened, the delegates will vote to convene a Constitutional Convention (covered in Article V of the Constitution.) Then the current Constitution will be eliminated and replaced by the Constitution for The NewStates of America which was created for the Rockefeller Foundation which will concentrate all military, media, social, economic and political power into the clutches of the ruling oligarchy. In the meantime, the surefire way of restoring the Republic is already available to the American People; it only requires a force majeure; that would be the American People in mass. Working together, we can accomplish this. God bless America.

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