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Why did they establish a Republican Form of Government?


The Vision of our Fore Fathers
Why did they establish a Republican Form of Government?

First of all, they envisioned a government that would not allow for the violation of individual rights. In other words, this unique form of government would not allow for the majority, or the government, itself, to override the God Given Unalienable Rights of the minority. As seen from the eyes of a Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville, who examined America in 1855:

What is called the republic in the United States, is the tranquil rule of the majority, which, after having had time to examine itself, and to give proof of its existence, is the common source of all the powers of the state. But the power of the majority is not of itself unlimited. In the moral world humanity, justice, and reason, enjoy an undisputed supremacy; in the political world vested rights are treated with no less deference. The majority recognises these two barriers ; and if it now and then overstep them, it is because, like individuals, it has passions, and like them, it is prone to do what is wrong, while it discerns what is right.

They empowered Americans to pursue a course of doing no harm to others. As we look back at American History we find that many of those empowered by the American People failed to live up to the hope and expectations of our Fore Fathers. We know that they failed to include ALL people with this protection and as a result came under the Judgement of the Almighty. That does not mean that the template (our Constitution and Bill of Rights) are flawed; but, it is evident that mankind can seldom be trusted to do “the right thing.”

They also made sure that the reins of government would be controlled by the consent of the governed. They accomplished this by our system of representation by empowering the American People to replace those holding offices of power. It was never envisioned that government would cede power to a bureaucracy that could and has been causing harm to the American People. By and large, this has become an entrenched, unelected and unaccountable arm of “government.”

They understood that the Bible was our governing document. When Congress began passing laws they oftentimes would use a scriptural reference as the basis for the law. In short, they had a Biblical world view and conducted the affairs of the nation accordingly. Tocqueville, a Frenchman, made these observations concerning how their Biblical world view was implemented in America:

The Americans had the chances of birth in their favour; and their forefathers imported that equality of conditions into the country, whence the democratic republic has very naturally taken its rise. Nor was this all they did; for beside this republican condition of society, the early settlers bequeathed to their descendants those customs, manners, and opinions, which contribute most to the success of a republican form of government. When I reflect upon the consequences of this primary circumstance, methinks I see the destiny of America imbodied in the first puritan who landed on those shores, just as the human race was represented by the first man….
Despotism may govern without faith, but liberty cannot. Religion is much more necessary in the republic which they set forth in glowing colours, than in the monarchy which they attack; and it is more needed in democratic republics than in any others. How is it possible that society should escape destruction if the moral tie be not strengthened in proportion as the political tie is relaxed? and what can be done with a people which is its own master, if it be not submissive to the Divinity? … The Republic of the United States of America, and its Political Institutions, Reviewed and Examined, Alexis de Tocqueville, 1855

Please note that he exclaimed that “Despotism may govern without faith, but liberty cannot. Put another way, he could have said that if the people lack accountability before God by not having a Biblical world view, then liberty is impossible; that the only way to govern such a people is by some form of despotism.  He understood this principle just as well as our Fore Fathers.

The “insurance policy” that our Fore Fathers set up to guarantee the continuance of our republican form of government was that schools were established, mainly so that the young people would be able to read the Bible for themselves and be schooled in the guiding principles of liberty and self-governance.  In short, the young people of America would always be assured to have a Biblical world view from generation to generation.

So, how have we fallen from such great expectations of our Fore Fathers? Just as President Washington warned us:

“…cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be able to subvert the Power of the People and to usurp for themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion… George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

It was never the intent of the Founders for the American People to be governed by force instead of by the consent of the governed. But, that is exactly where we find ourselves today. The American People find themselves surrounded by an unimaginable mountain of so called laws and mandates that were not written for their benefit, but for the benefit of the oligarchs in control. The American People have lost confidence in the ability the current government’s ability to govern lawfully and peacefully. It’s past time to Implement the Northwest Ordinance to RESET America.

Signed by President Geiger


Ask yourself this question. If you were “cunning, ambitious and unprincipled,” extremely wealthy and power hungry to the degree you wanted to take over control of the United States Corporation how would you do it? I propose it was done as outlined below:

  1. Your goal would be to take over every agency of government, top down.
  2.  You would influence the power brokers in Washington to lay the legislative groundwork using your money to bribe, or gathering intelligence on and blackmailing them to do your bidding.
  3. Assume you were able to establish control over every government agency by having a President, under your control, appoint people over every agency who would not be accountable to anyone besides yourself, since you have the goods on each of the appointees.
  4.  Bingo, your done.
  1. May I propose that this process has already been done right under the noses of every American. Now, ask yourself why nothing gets accomplished for the benefit of the American People in Washington. As Americans, our only option at this point is a transition back to our Republican Form of Governance.




Hope that you enjoying the changes? That being said, we must learn to join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic.
That is the message of this broadcast. Join us as we move forward in unity.
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at


We hope that you will STAND UP and join us. That being said, we must learn to join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic.
That is the message of this broadcast. Join us as we move forward in unity.
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at


We hope the answer you give is an imperative NO. That being said, we must learn to join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic.
That is the message of this broadcast. Join us as we move forward in unity.
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at

World of Anarchy

Roger Waters on the downfall of the Church. David and Jean Hertler on the current anarchy. David Broadhurst dialogued with Roger Waters on lack of justice. Jim Carpenter closed in summary bringing it all together. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.


David Hertler Hosted. Jean Hertler explained how to get involved in restoring the American Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “Rosh HaShanah,” the Biblical New Year. Have you heard the sound of the Shofar? Are you running towards the Kingdom, or away from it?
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective from the Pilgrims in 1620 to where we are today. There’s some tough things to endure ahead though standing for truth and Justice most of all, we will make it through with blessings.


Join Jim Carpenter, Roger Waters, David Hertler, Dean Henning and Mark Binder as they discuss this important topic. Thanks to David Broadhurst for hosting.

What is the difference between what the American People have accomplished already by establishing an interim government (Republic for the United States of America) vs. what others are calling a Convention of States?


Roger Waters on the Sixth Amendment, with David Hertler and Jim Carpenter contributing. Mark Binder offered a prayer at the end. David Broadhurst opened and closed the show. Now is the time to join with your Republic.

LIBERTY Vs TYRANNY – Havana, the Template for America?

Roger Waters on the Amendments, with Jim Carpenter contributing. Dean Henning explained how to get involved with the Republic. Mark Binder offered a prayer at the end. David Broadhurst opened the show. Now is the time to join with your Republic.


Roger Waters on the Second Amendment, with Dean Henning contributing. Mark Binder offered a prayer at the end. Jim Carpenter hosted the show. Now is the time to join with your Republic.