Why Fight for What Is Right?



If we want a stable society, a healthy economy, a happy populace and a secure country we better fight for what is right. Our Fore Fathers set the example, they stood up against the most powerful empire in the world and won a respite. Why do I say respite? Because the empire was not going to give up that easily. They would do it another way. They would send infiltrators to take control of the fledgling nation from within. The person with the best bird’s eye view of this ongoing process was, in fact, George Washington who warned us about this in his last farewell address when he warned:

“…cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be able to subvert the Power of the People and to usurp for themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion…The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all departments in one, and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism…”

 — George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796


So, why did they fight for the concept of liberty? And, who planted this idea in their heads? Was it being taught from the pulpits of the American Colonies? And, if so, why is it no longer being taught from American Pulpits? Could it be that our “seminaries” were infiltrated by the same bad actors that President Washington warned us about above?

The short answer is Yes, our churches have been infiltrated to the degree that most every “Christian” is fed a constant stream of “don’t get involved, because you can’t make any difference anyway” or “let’s focus on the church and evangelism, the rest will work its way out.” Do you really think that that was the message being delivered to the pulpits of America in the early days? If you do, you would be badly mistaken. So why should the American People care about our government?

First of all, in this country, the People are supposed to govern themselves, unlike any other nation that ever existed. So, when someone quotes the verse[1] about obey those who have the rule over you (higher powers) and try to say to blindly obey them then they do not understand our form of government. We are supposed to be “self-governing.” Does that mean we are free to promote lawlessness? The short answer is no, especially since the People, themselves formed a binding covenant with God Almighty when we appealed to heaven for help in establishing liberty upon this land via the Declaration of Independence.

In short the American People made God the HIGHER POWER in this country, not any other entity; that includes our government. Our government officials are supposed to be the servants of the People, not the other way around.

Start getting involved. If you understand the implications of what I have just shared with you then you will begin to understand that it is not only your right to fix your own government, it is your duty.

As I have stated before, it was never the intent of the Founders for the American People to be governed by force instead of by the consent of the governed. But, that is exactly where we find ourselves today. The American People find themselves surrounded by an unimaginable mountain of so called laws and mandates that were not written for their benefit, but for the benefit of the oligarchs in control. The American People have lost confidence in the ability the current government’s ability to govern lawfully and peacefully. It’s past time to Implement the Northwest Ordinance to RESET America.

[1] Romans 13:1
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.