

David Hertler exposed the history of the 1826 scandalous murder of Captain William Morgan paralleling to what we see today with obstruction of justice. He also shared the love of God and the need for repentance.
Dean Henning explains how get involved in restoring the American Republic and makes exhortation to learn our true history explaining how.
Roger Waters presents “The law of the tithe.”
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective about interacting with others in public and finding like-mindedness regardless of background.



David Hertler talked about the fact that America imprisons more of its citizens than any other country. Yesterday’s school children have been molded to populate the Prison Industry.
Dean Henning explains how get involved in the restoration of the Republic and makes exhortation to learn our true history and how.
Roger Waters presents “Did you believe the lie?”
Jean Hertler shared her perspective: The American Republic or the Corporate Democracy — the American People must decide.



David Hertler talked about education in America and what changed from Christianity to Atheism.
Dean Henning explains how get involved in the Republic and makes exhortation to learn our true history and how.
Roger Waters presents “The Fauci Connection.”
Jean Hertler shared her perspective. “Take it back, American People!”



David Hertler talked about the Progressive Era, the 501c3, and the Black Robe Regiment. He led Republic leaders in discussion.

Jean Hertler explained how to learn our true history and get involved in the restoration of the Republic.

Roger Waters presented “I have a friend.”

Jim Carpenter shared his perspective. We have opportunity and are entitled as human beings to change our reality for the good or bad. We’re getting ready to birth a second great nation —the Republic for the United States of America.


David Hertler led a discussion on how our Liberty was stolen.
Dean Henning explained how to learn and get involved in the restoration of our Republic.
Roger Waters presented “All in Satan’s Name.”
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective.


Republic Chaplain Wade Butler tells of a powerful move of the Spirit of the Lord that has transpired as American and Canadian leaders have come together in prayer and declaration to pull down the wall in borders while reclaiming their countries for God.
David Hertler presented from the anals of history first published in 1854 by a remarkable individual about the link between religion and government. The religion of a nation determines its politics.
Dean Henning presents insight in the American Republic and explains how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic.
Roger Waters presented “Let it be clear.”
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective.
It’s about jurisdiction and being sure of being in God’s jurisdiction as the time has come for separation from the jurisdiction of man’s rule.
David Hertler hosted.


The Team discussed spheres of influence. Dean Henning explained how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic with insight. Roger Waters presented “Tyranny in the Ranks.” Jim Carpenter shared his unique perspective…We are entering a new world and it’s not the New World Order—it’s an end to it. David Broadhurst closed in exhortation that people must stand by the Constitution. It just might be 1776 all over again. It’s time for America to rise up. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

America at the Crossroad

David Hertler opened with a presentation on God’s solution for America. Jean Hertler described how our heritage of knowledge that made America “a city upon a hill” became lost and the people blinded while exhorting Americans to learn their true history which is their birthright and destiny. Roger Waters presented “Now it’s your turn.” Jim Carpenter closed with his perspective. You better figure it out because its about to get real. We’re at a crossroad. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.


David Hertler talked about the governmental calling of God-fearing American People. Jim Carpenter presented facts to help Americans rationalize the trauma that we as a nation have just experienced and the ten-year journey we’ve been on and watching Bible prophecy unfold. He challenges America to have a bright future. Jean Hertler tells a short true history of our republican form of government and how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic with an exhortation to learn truthful history. Roger Waters presented “How to Take Power from the People.” Jim Carpenter ends by talking about the opportunities ahead of us and where the whole world is going. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Vote for Justice to be Served

David Hertler tells America about our Republican Form of Government gifted to us by our Fore Fathers. David Broadhurst discussed the importance of the exercise of justice to continue our American way of life. Dean Henning explains how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic. Roger Waters presents “Evidence of Truth.” Jean Hertler gives an in depth summary. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.