The Defeat of the god of Tolerance

Deep State Darwinism
The Deep State has forced a faith based religion by the name of Darwinism to be preached in our school systems. The messianic figure of Darwinism is none other than Charles Darwin who espoused his theory that we should have faith in a so called “missing link.” It’s doctrine of “survival of the fittest” has lead mankind down a very destructive path. Take WWII for instance and the Nazi belief in eugenics that resulted in the death of millions in concentration camps. This religion has proven to be a very destructive force.
America has a choice. Do we want to continue down this path of destruction? If we do, all of our liberties will continue to be eroded away in the name of the Deep State god of tolerance. We are taught to uphold “tolerance” at all cost, even at the cost of the safeguards that our Forefathers erected in order to protect civil society. In other words, even if it cost us to surrender what it means to be America.
Americans have tolerated the destruction of our country from within for far too long. It is apparent to millions that this is leading us swiftly down a path of destruction. Unless we grow up and deal with the issues at hand the majority of us will end up in concentration camps, thus repeating the history of WWII. The Marxism socialist theology being taught to our children always leads down the same road – dictatorship, which in turn results in the death of millions.
I propose a better way, the way of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that were guaranteed to us by our Constitution by means of a republican form of governance. Our Forefathers ensured that “religion and morality” would be taught in every school system of every State who joined the union of States via the Northwest Ordinance. That meant that the Bible, the Law Form of the Republic, would be taught in every school in the nation and that prayers to a living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, would ascend to Heaven from children in American schools.
Let us return to the foundation laid by our Forefathers. Let us defang the god of tolerance and return to serving the one true and living God, the God of the Bible. As Americans that has always been the choice set before us.
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Deuteronomy 30:19, King James Version (KJV)