Tag Archives: Truthful American History

Our Military On The Move

David Hertler explains “The Matrix” that surrounds us. Kelby Smith talked about America at a precipice; Military Ops; The Republic is about to be stood up. David Hertler explains the judgment for idolatry and the sins of the fathers upon the 3rd and 4th generations. He then pointed out that we lost our Congress (republican form of government) in 1861 and doing the math is exactly 4 generations to 2021. This is no coincidence. He also explained how we lost our republican system of government. Jean Hertler tells Americans how to get involved with our American Republic while exhorting Americans to learn real history. Roger Waters presented “A Word from Heaven.” Jim Carpenter, in closing, says follow the money, the control, and understand that our world is being changed; truth is the Light shines in the darkness; be ready, prepare, we’re in the battle. David Broadhurst exhorts the American people to step up and get involved with our Republic for the United States of America. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Stormy Weather For America

David Hertler explains differences between the American Republic and the Corporate Democracy that currently operates in America and how it privatized government into their hands. Jim Carpenter talked about the STORM Act that passed Jan 1st that authorizes FEMA funds and a relation to the wealth of the wicked to transfer to the righteous. Jean Hertler tells how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic with an exhortation to learn truthful history. Roger Waters presented “Tracked and hacked.” Jim Carpenter in closing says it’s a somber night but don’t give up hope; be prepared; they cannot take that which we’re not willing to give; together we have a mighty voice. David Hertler hosted and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) closed.

Will You Let The Globalists Win?


Kelby Smith presents “Citizenship of Heaven.” David Hertler interjected the responsibility to stand up for the cause of Liberty. Dean Henning explained how to get involved with your American Republic. Roger Waters presents “A history lesson.” Jim Carpenter exposes globalist intentions. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

How The American People Re-Occupied The Republic

Kelby Smith eloquently explained how the American Republic was set aside in the Civil War days and how it was lawfully re-occupied in 2010 during the Obama Administration. Jean Hertler presented “Now is the Time to Restore Education to Our Heritage in Liberty.” David Hertler presented how our Forefathers and Founding Fathers created a Biblical culture. David Broadhurst spoke into the overall contemporary mess while exhorting Americans to stand up and support the Republic. Kelby Smith, David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Looking Towards Restoration of the Church and the Republic

Kelby Smith explains the hoodwinking of the Church by the 501c3 regulation. Jim Carpenter discusses “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and the importance of phyto nutrients in brain function. Jean Hertler ties together the position of the Church and importance of preaching the whole counsel of God in civil and religious liberty. Dean Henning contributed how the enemies of the American Republic have effected the institutions and exhorted the American people to get involved. David Hertler reveals the real enemy of the Church and the American Republic. David Hertler and Davis Broadhurst (“Gator”- For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Fix the Classrooms First!

Jean Hertler exposes the fact that our students are taught to hate America. David Hertler, Jim Carpenter and Roger Waters dialogued on the reality of tyranny and the fallacy of “obey them that have the rule over you.” Dean Henning invites the American People to get involved in their Republic. Roger Waters talked on the freedom to choose. David Hertler brought forward a speech from Samuel Langdon in 1788 that speaks today. Jim Carpenter summerized. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio) hosted.

The Enemies of America Just Tried to Take Out Trump

Left to their own they will destroy everything America Stands For. President Trump and his administration must act to bring them to justice.