Tag Archives: Pledge of Allegiance


Jim Carpenter continued on the fundaments of our American Historical Heritage. Jean and David Hertler discussed the primary points of our American Heritage that included the contrast of the American Republic and the corporate democracy. Roger Waters spoke into the severity of tyrannical control that exists today. Now is the time to join with the Republic.


Jim Carpenter led a presentation of the Executive Summary along with historians and authors David and Jean Hertler, Justice Roger Waters and Representative Mark Binder interjecting insight on this very important document that explains what the Restored Republic IS, and what it IS NOT while also including the historical background.

Just Say NO VAX

David Broadhurst says it’s time to come home to the Republic. He spoke about the disgraceful government heads and upper brass along with the need to promptly charge them with their crimes.
David Hertler said this crisis is showing the urgent need in this time to standup the Republic.
Jean Hertler opened the program referencing the current unlawful medical mandate and shared what our Founding Fathers had to say about the need of the people in resistance.
David Hertler talked about the crisis in America and that it’s time to standup the Republic.
Jim Carpenter said if we don’t stand now we’ll be on our knees forever.
Dean Henning exhorts Americans to stand up for our Military.
Roger Waters talked about the Stockholm Syndrome and how captives held for a period of time become bonded with their captors. He paralleled it to our current tyrannical government. The best thing to do is break the bond.
David Hertler spoke about the need to embrace the Declaration of Independence and why.
Dean Henning explained how get involved in standing up the Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “Prepare for the fake rapture.”
Jim Carpenter shared a profound and captivating personal history of the founding of our country.
David Broadhurst closed with what you hear here you won’t hear anywhere else. He exhorted the American people to join and stand up the Republic. “They’re fighting our Military. ..they’re attacking us from within.” There are upper brass that are terrorists. We need to reach out to all of our veterans. This is a call that we need you now. War is hell. This is real. We need you now. History is repeating itself and it’s evil.


David Hertler shared the story of “I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb,” of which the American Republic is founded.
Mark Binder interjected on how the American Republic was lost and quoted signer of the Declaration, Dr Benjamin Rush “Unless we put Medical Freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic…
The Constitution of the Republic should make special provisions for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom.”
Jim Carpenter stated that they degraded our society in order to get rid of Christianity.
Jean Hertler explained how get involved in restoring the true American Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “Because they said so.”
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective. Come under God’s jurisdiction and out from under man’s jurisdiction.


David Hertler opened with a presentation on our Founding Fathers setting a type of government that provides a jurisdiction of Liberty which requires virtue in the people in order to maintain Liberty. David Broadhurst talked about feeling a change in life that he’s sensing and seeing people waking up to truth. He expresses hope in justice being served by following the Constitution. Dean Henning talked about our responsibility in protecting what our Founding Fathers gave us and presented how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic and exhorts the American People to educate themselves with the Re-inhabited book series. Roger Waters presented “Come out of her my people.”
In closing Jim Carpenter emphasized the need for virtue while pointing out that there was no State of the Union Address this year and the increased military presence in the nation’s capital this week. David Broadhurst exhorted listeners to learn and speak up. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.


David Hertler led a dialogue with the team on the reason why the Republic has continued to stand despite obstacles while imploring the American People to come out of the beast jurisdiction. Dean Henning presented how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic and exhorts the American People to educate themselves with the Re-inhabited book series. Roger Waters presented “As it was in the days of Noah.” Jim Carpenter summarized by talking about his discussions 10 years ago about the evil in the governing body and how the Joint Chiefs of Staff had devised a plan that compelled his getting involved. A decade later he has a clear understanding that God has prepared the Republic for a jurisdiction for the End Time Church. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Revelation 18:4
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” KJV

The Road Ahead

David Hertler talked about what the 4th of July may look like in 2021. He explained that we live in the most exciting time in world history and is looking forward to a new America. Jim Carpenter agrees there is no doubt we will realize restoration as the American People see it and respond to their new found heritage; We get to take it back to make it ours—and that is to rejoice. Jean Hertler said this is it after decades of work towards restoration. David Broadhurst on what has to happen to restore our Republic; it’s massive and we will overcome and the meaning of the 19th President. David Hertler talked about referring again to the great political textbook—the Bible. And a God-fearing person to lead doing it God’s way. David Broadhurst talked about the need for Justice. Dean Henning tells how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic with an exhortation to learn truthful history. Roger Waters presented “Has WWIII begun?” Jim Carpenter ends on a positive note in overall perspective. David Broadhurst closes in exhortation to stand up and step forward to get involved with the Republic. If things go dark know the American People are resilient. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Guess WHO Wants to Change Your DNA?

Kelby Smith tells more details on adhesion contracts and how you rescind them. David Hertler explains that American People have a clear choice by drawing a parallel between today and the Founding Era and exhorts Americans to rise up and restore God’s Government. Dean Henning explains that the American People instituted the Constitution to protect themselves from government overreach while at the same time providing for the General Welfare. He tells how to get involved in the restoration of our American Republic. Roger Waters explains the danger to our DNA from the Covid vaccine. Jim Carpenter summarized and reported on the possibility of coming military action. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Looking Towards Restoration of the Church and the Republic

Kelby Smith explains the hoodwinking of the Church by the 501c3 regulation. Jim Carpenter discusses “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and the importance of phyto nutrients in brain function. Jean Hertler ties together the position of the Church and importance of preaching the whole counsel of God in civil and religious liberty. Dean Henning contributed how the enemies of the American Republic have effected the institutions and exhorted the American people to get involved. David Hertler reveals the real enemy of the Church and the American Republic. David Hertler and Davis Broadhurst (“Gator”- For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Fix the Classrooms First!

Jean Hertler exposes the fact that our students are taught to hate America. David Hertler, Jim Carpenter and Roger Waters dialogued on the reality of tyranny and the fallacy of “obey them that have the rule over you.” Dean Henning invites the American People to get involved in their Republic. Roger Waters talked on the freedom to choose. David Hertler brought forward a speech from Samuel Langdon in 1788 that speaks today. Jim Carpenter summerized. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio) hosted.