Tag Archives: Interim Government

Woe to the Inhabiters of the Earth

David Hertler talked about civil & religious Liberty, self-government, and what is required to preserve it- Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God— the true meaning of “obey them that have the rule over you.” God will bless or curse the nation according to the course Christian’s take in regards to politics.
David Broadhurst spoke into the current day corruption that we live in and that We the People must stand up to it now.
Jean Hertler explained how get involved in restoring the American Republic exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “Busted.!”
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective. It is our time America to end the corruption and control. It’s time for a new beginning.


David Hertler explained how the Supreme Court demoralized our country using “separation of church & state.”
Dean Henning explained how get involved in the Republic and makes exhortation to learn our true history and how.
Roger Waters presented “So, …you like what you’re seeing?”
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective which ends with hope.


David Hertler talked about the Progressive Era, the 501c3, and the Black Robe Regiment. He led Republic leaders in discussion.

Jean Hertler explained how to learn our true history and get involved in the restoration of the Republic.

Roger Waters presented “I have a friend.”

Jim Carpenter shared his perspective. We have opportunity and are entitled as human beings to change our reality for the good or bad. We’re getting ready to birth a second great nation —the Republic for the United States of America.


The Team discussed spheres of influence. Dean Henning explained how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic with insight. Roger Waters presented “Tyranny in the Ranks.” Jim Carpenter shared his unique perspective…We are entering a new world and it’s not the New World Order—it’s an end to it. David Broadhurst closed in exhortation that people must stand by the Constitution. It just might be 1776 all over again. It’s time for America to rise up. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.


David Hertler opened with a presentation on our Founding Fathers setting a type of government that provides a jurisdiction of Liberty which requires virtue in the people in order to maintain Liberty. David Broadhurst talked about feeling a change in life that he’s sensing and seeing people waking up to truth. He expresses hope in justice being served by following the Constitution. Dean Henning talked about our responsibility in protecting what our Founding Fathers gave us and presented how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic and exhorts the American People to educate themselves with the Re-inhabited book series. Roger Waters presented “Come out of her my people.”
In closing Jim Carpenter emphasized the need for virtue while pointing out that there was no State of the Union Address this year and the increased military presence in the nation’s capital this week. David Broadhurst exhorted listeners to learn and speak up. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Set At Liberty?

David and Jean Hertler talked about God raising up a new warrior on this land with Kirk Cameron and his 100-day American Campfire Revival with 15-minute presentations from Dr Marshall Foster’s book “The American Covenant: The Untold Story.” Followed by a brief discussion by the team about our current status and observations. Dean Henning presented how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic and exhorts the American People to educate themselves with the Re-inhabited book series.
Roger Waters presented “Living with the craziness.”
Jim Carpenter ends with “You live and die by your actions and decisions you make.” It boils down to which jurisdiction do you want? There will be opposition if we don’t choose God’s jurisdiction. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.


In other words, was DJT issuing a WARNING when he said “The Best is Yet to Come”?
In other words, was he telling us that JB is a proxy for BHO?
What other nations is BHO ruling by proxy?
If BHO has been given 42 months to reign, the “who is able to make war with him?”
Kelby discussed the PlanLection and PlanDemic. Roger Waters presents “They want to believe WHAT?” Jim Carpenter summerized. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.


David Hertler talked about the governmental calling of God-fearing American People. Jim Carpenter presented facts to help Americans rationalize the trauma that we as a nation have just experienced and the ten-year journey we’ve been on and watching Bible prophecy unfold. He challenges America to have a bright future. Jean Hertler tells a short true history of our republican form of government and how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic with an exhortation to learn truthful history. Roger Waters presented “How to Take Power from the People.” Jim Carpenter ends by talking about the opportunities ahead of us and where the whole world is going. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.


The Road Ahead

David Hertler talked about what the 4th of July may look like in 2021. He explained that we live in the most exciting time in world history and is looking forward to a new America. Jim Carpenter agrees there is no doubt we will realize restoration as the American People see it and respond to their new found heritage; We get to take it back to make it ours—and that is to rejoice. Jean Hertler said this is it after decades of work towards restoration. David Broadhurst on what has to happen to restore our Republic; it’s massive and we will overcome and the meaning of the 19th President. David Hertler talked about referring again to the great political textbook—the Bible. And a God-fearing person to lead doing it God’s way. David Broadhurst talked about the need for Justice. Dean Henning tells how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic with an exhortation to learn truthful history. Roger Waters presented “Has WWIII begun?” Jim Carpenter ends on a positive note in overall perspective. David Broadhurst closes in exhortation to stand up and step forward to get involved with the Republic. If things go dark know the American People are resilient. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Our Military On The Move

David Hertler explains “The Matrix” that surrounds us. Kelby Smith talked about America at a precipice; Military Ops; The Republic is about to be stood up. David Hertler explains the judgment for idolatry and the sins of the fathers upon the 3rd and 4th generations. He then pointed out that we lost our Congress (republican form of government) in 1861 and doing the math is exactly 4 generations to 2021. This is no coincidence. He also explained how we lost our republican system of government. Jean Hertler tells Americans how to get involved with our American Republic while exhorting Americans to learn real history. Roger Waters presented “A Word from Heaven.” Jim Carpenter, in closing, says follow the money, the control, and understand that our world is being changed; truth is the Light shines in the darkness; be ready, prepare, we’re in the battle. David Broadhurst exhorts the American people to step up and get involved with our Republic for the United States of America. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.