Beast System on the Rise?

Kelby Smith presented a thrilling factual history of the beast system in America and the steps taken in the takeover while explaining our Founders’ intent for self-government.
Don’t miss this!
Dean Henning brings a witness to the facts Kelby presents and explains how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic. Roger Waters revealed our “real enemy;” the details are unmistakable. Jean Hertler summarized the program. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Insurrection in America?

David Hertler, Jim Carpenter and Dean Henning shed light on the insurrection and police. Roger Waters explains why the union of states does not allow for the current insurgency. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (ForThePeopleRadio.com) hosted.


Connecting the Dots – National Security breaches under the Obama Administration – PART 2

Download:  RNNCTD – November 9, 2017

EXTERNAL ENEMIES and ENEMIES WITHIN – bringing America to her knees by collusion – PART 2 

This week will be a continuation and Part II of last week where we were discussing how  subversive activity has lead to massive security breaches that threaten the very future of our country.  Our guests for this Part II series, Mary Fanning and Alan Jones will show how the Port Canaveral handover and modern day nuclear and EMP threats are directly connected, and how our way of life is threatened in ways that could not have happened without the collusion of our national leadership during the Obama Administration.

Continue reading Connecting the Dots – National Security breaches under the Obama Administration – PART 2


Download:  RNNCTD – November 2, 2017

EXTERNAL ENEMIES and ENEMIES WITHIN – bringing America to her knees by collusion 

Last week Trevor Loudon exposed the many of enemies within our own government that have been working passionately to destroy our constitutional republic and turn America into their vision of a Marxist utopia.  This week we will learn how that subversive activity has lead to massive security breaches that threaten the very future of our country.

Continue reading Connecting the Dots – EXTERNAL ENEMIES and ENEMIES WITHIN