Tag Archives: Daniel the Prophet



David Broadhurst spoke about the need for the American people to restore the American Republic.
David Hertler talked about the contrast of the spiritual landscape from the 1600s to today and the critical importance of virtue.
Mark Binder spoke into the fruit of the Spirit as going hand-in-hand with the characteristic of virtue.
Jim Carpenter brought up our Founding Fathers pointing out that this form of government will work for only those with virtue.
Dean Henning explained how get involved in restoring the American Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “The beginning of the end.”
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective.
Rev 18:23 “by Pharmakea were all nations deceived.” The time has come to choose which jurisdiction you want to live in. God’s or the other.
David Broadhurst closed with the fact that Americans are in modern day slavery. “Don’t be a sheep. Don’t be a slave. Don’t be a lab rat.”