Tag Archives: Covid


Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Sandy Miarecki gives us a strategic update from ground zero of the battle to save our military from destruction by the NWO. No federal endorsement is implied.


David Hertler presented from Re-inhabited Vol I about the two histories in America, the luciferian history and the truthful history. Founding Father quotes came alive in discussion.

Mark Binder interjected that when we study the Founding Fathers quotes we learn much. Martin Luther King Jr said “If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values – that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control.”

Jim Carpenter said our moral compass was changed when they changed our education. The Covid-19 is going after the “god gene” that will make vaccinated humanity to become inhuman with repercussions to the people of their DNA being changed while now owned by the evil elite.

Dean Henning quoted from Chief Justice of the US John Jay. Dean explained how get involved in standing up the Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history. He introduced our new website tab, “Covid-Depopulation.”

Roger Waters presents “The six things the Lord hates and the seventh is an abomination.”

Jim Carpenter shared his perspective.
The dark side’s Agenda2020/30 was delayed because of President Trump and what he did in lawful preparation toward restoring the Republic so the elite now have to speed things up to make their goal. The Bible says in the End Days time will be speeded up and this is that. God doesn’t lose in the End.

Guess WHO Wants to Change Your DNA?

Kelby Smith tells more details on adhesion contracts and how you rescind them. David Hertler explains that American People have a clear choice by drawing a parallel between today and the Founding Era and exhorts Americans to rise up and restore God’s Government. Dean Henning explains that the American People instituted the Constitution to protect themselves from government overreach while at the same time providing for the General Welfare. He tells how to get involved in the restoration of our American Republic. Roger Waters explains the danger to our DNA from the Covid vaccine. Jim Carpenter summarized and reported on the possibility of coming military action. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.