Tag Archives: bible


David Hertler touched on the life and culture in early America along with the conditioning and brainwashing that caused our country’s crisis today.
Mark Binder spoke on how “compromise” has been the lynchpin causing America’s crisis.
Jim Carpenter talked about life in his younger years and that morality existed in culture. The question is what occurred that made America great and how do we get back to it?
Jean Hertler explained how to get involved in restoring the American Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “Rosh HaShanah,” the Biblical New Year. Have you heard the sound of the Shofar? Are you running towards the Kingdom, or away from it?
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective from the Pilgrims in 1620 to where we are today. There’s some tough things to endure ahead though standing for truth and Justice most of all, we will make it through with blessings.



David Broadhurst spoke about the need for the American people to restore the American Republic.
David Hertler talked about the contrast of the spiritual landscape from the 1600s to today and the critical importance of virtue.
Mark Binder spoke into the fruit of the Spirit as going hand-in-hand with the characteristic of virtue.
Jim Carpenter brought up our Founding Fathers pointing out that this form of government will work for only those with virtue.
Dean Henning explained how get involved in restoring the American Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “The beginning of the end.”
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective.
Rev 18:23 “by Pharmakea were all nations deceived.” The time has come to choose which jurisdiction you want to live in. God’s or the other.
David Broadhurst closed with the fact that Americans are in modern day slavery. “Don’t be a sheep. Don’t be a slave. Don’t be a lab rat.”

Where is the Third Part?

Kelby Smith talked about “freedom.” Liberty comes from learning the Truth and acting upon it. Dean Henning presented how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic and exhorts the American people to educate themselves with the Re-inhabited book series.
Roger Waters presented “The time has come.”
Jim Carpenter ends with we’re at that turning point. We’re identifying the evil and calling them out so the righteous can get on with their lives. There’s accountability in knowing the truth. The reality is it’s time to choose a jurisdiction.
David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.