Secured ID: PR364424439RUSA

An Appeal to the American People by the President of the
Republic of the United States of America

by: President James Buchanan Geiger

Excerpt from President Washington’s first inaugural address:

in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States, a Government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes: and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success, the functions allotted to his charge. See Washington’s Inaugural Address, 1789

In President Washington’s first inaugural address he made “fervent supplications” to God Almighty that God, himself, would oversee his administration and bring success of all of the functions of government. I readily adjure the oversight of God Almighty in overseeing the administration of the Republic for the United States of America and the UNITED STATES. May He grant a speedy return to a republican form of governance in our time. President Trump has signaled a return to governance of, by, and for the American people. He stated as much in his inaugural address:

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.” – see Whitehouse.Gov/Inaugural

President Trump was signaling to the American people that he, indeed, will be the “transition” president I referenced in my Republic Leadership Stance on the Donald J. Trump Administration press release Secured ID: PR364424425RUSA. In other words, he signaled to the American people his intent to work side by side with the American people to bring back Constitutional governance to this country. In time, this will entail working side by side with Republic for the United States of America leadership to ensure a smooth transition back to Constitutional governance.

His words have a very specific meaning. Note that he said, “today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.” He said that his administration was about more than just the transfer of power from one administration to the next; but, was to be a restoration back to self-governance by the American people.

So, how do you transfer power back to the American people? In my opinion, that can only be accomplished peacefully in one way: the re-inhabiting of the American Republic by Americans and gradually ceding power to the people through the organ of the Republic. The organic government can only be populated by Americans who have not sworn an oath of allegiance to any foreign power. Our Forefathers understood this concept. As we move forward in repopulating the American Republic I will be looking for qualified candidates to fill vacancies in the free States.

Are you qualified? Are you willing to help during this period of transition in American history? I hope so. Learn how you can join hands with me to ensure a peaceful transition to a government that once again serves and represents the American People. Ask what you can do to help rebuild our American Dream of Liberty and Justice for All at . May God bless our American Republic!