Connecting the Dots – VAXXED – the truth about infant vaccination and autism

Download:  RNNCTD – September 21, 2017

This week our guest will be Emmy Award winning Television Producer Del Bigtree for a discussion of his latest film VAXXED

This week we discuss the documentary movie VAXXED, that threatens to blow the lid off the CDC cover-up of research exposing the direct link between the early childhood/infant vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and the exponential increase in early childhood autism.  Movie Producer and investigative medical journalist, Del Bigtree, will explain the intellectual journey that he and the movie’s Director, Dr. Andy Wakefield, took in the process of making VAXXED.

Although there is overwhelming evidence that the MMR vaccine and infant vaccination are directly linked; Congress, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and Big Pharma are so closely tied together by the money pump that fills the swamp in Washington D.C., that all groups trying to investigate this medical catastrophe have been stopped dead in their tracks.  Hear the story of cover-up, lies and deceit at a level that threatens the future of America, and the health and well being of our national treasure…………..our youth.  Please join us for this eye opening and intelligent investigation into the politics of vaccines, the lack of oversight and accountability that has been afforded to the industry, and join the call for further investigation into the causes of the autism epidemic and more stringent controls and testing on vaccines.