Connecting the Dots – Tonight we are revisiting the Bunkerville/Malheur trials

Download:  RNNCTD – October 05, 2017

DO OUR COURT SYSTEMS PROTECT US ? – identifying the true enemies of rural America. 

Tonight we are revisiting the Bunkerville/Malheur trials and the many factors at play that seem to destroy the traditional role of the court to protect the rights of citizens and uphold constitutional law.  Has the threat of terrorism  morphed into a weapon of mass indoctrination in the globalist plan to destroy the concept of private property in America?

Are farmers, ranchers, and rural Americans really a threat to constitutional Federal land policies  or are they merely pawns in the transformative process that is destroying rural America in the rush to global socialist hegemony?  Are courts there to mete justice and protect the rights of individual citizens, or have they become the useful tools of out of control Federal agencies and the powerful political class?  Join us for an informed and thoughtful discussion with  Nevada Rancher/Writer  Hank Vogler and Idaho State Legislator Judy Boyle who are fully informed about the issues and personalities involved in the Bunkerville/Malheur trials.

Tonight’s Guest(s)
Judy Boyle is a Republican legislator in the Idaho House of Representatives. She is finishing her 4th term, winning the May Republican primary against a retired Oregon State Patrolman. She serves on the House Committees of Resources & Conservation, Education, and as Vice-Chair of Agriculture. Judy is a staunch defender of the Constitution receiving many awards for her legislative work including the national Defender of Freedom award from the National Rifle Association.  Judy was the Director of Natural Resources for Congressman Helen Chenoweth Hage throughout Helen’s term. Judy assisted constituents, reviewed proposed federal legislation & regulations, worked on oversight hearings, researched issues, formed grassroot coalitions throughout the West, as Helen formed coalitions in Congress, to hold the line on the Clinton administration’s War on the West, among other duties.
Judy is a former 4-H leader and a freelance writer who lives peacefully in rural Idaho where she, her two grown children and two grandsons continue the family tradition of a livelihood in agriculture.
Hank Vogler runs a ranch in eastern Nevada, is an American patriot of the old school, and has experienced first hand the refocus of Federal land agencies from serving the people to serving the environment and the special interests influencing their policies. He has written numerous articles for Range Magazine and is well known by their readers for his perceptive mind and uncommon common sense………….something missing from many of the bureaucrats and elected officials of whom he writes. C.J. Hadley, Editor and Publisher of Range Magazine refers to Hank as a “brilliant and entertaining communicator”. Hank has known the Hammond family for most of his life and would like to share his first hand experiences in the whole Hammond Ranch fiasco. Hank says “I have no résumé, as I was always told that if you have to promote yourself, chances are you are promoting a poor product!” “I am quite proud of my children and once made Baxter Black laugh himself silly”.
Letters to Jeff Sessions Regarding Bundy