Congressional Record

20120717-01 Republic Treasury Note Act of 2012: An Act to Create a Republic Treasury Note Program

Treasury Note Act 20120717-01 v2


20120612-03 Republic de jure Money Act of 2012

Republic de jure Money Act 20120612-03 v1.0


 20120612-02 Equal Footing Act of 2012

Equal Footing Act 20120612-02 v4


20120612-01 American Security Act:  An Act to Setup and Structure the Department of Security.

American Security Act 20120612-01 v2


20120609-01 ARD 000001 Creation Act: Republic for the United States of America American Republic Dollars 000001 Creation Act

ARD 000001 Creation Act 20120619-01 v1.0


20120605-03 Republic Great Seal Act: An Act for the Great Seal of the Republic for the United States of America

Republic Seal Act 2012


20120605-02 Military Communications Act of 2012

Military Communications Act 20120605-02 v2


20120529-01 Act to Recognize the Licensing of Common Law Counselors or Lawyers 2012

Act to recognize the licensing of common law counselors or lawyers 2012 v2


20120517-03 Republic Donations Act: An Act to Establish Procedures for Administering Donations to the Republic 2012

Republic Donations Act 20120517-03 v2.2 Final


 20120517-02 An Act to Create the Bureau of Acquisitions: An Act to Further Amend the Act to Accept and Restructure the Treasury 20120423-01

Bureau of Acquisitions Act 20120517-02 v2


20120517-01 An Act to Create the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue: An Act to Further Amend the Act to Accept and Restructure the Treasury Department of 20120423-01

Commissioner of the Revenue Act 20120517-01 v2


 20120424-01 Treasury Act of 2012: An Act to Setup and Structure the Treasury

Treasury Note Act 20120717-01 v2


20120423-01 Treasury Department Act of 2012: An Act to Accept and Restructure the Treasury Department

Page under revision – Please check back at a later time.


20120320-01 Start up Budget and Appropriations Bill

Appropriations Bill_Republic Congress-3-20-2012 v2


 20110202-04 Flag Act of 2011

Flag Act 20110202-04 Sealed


20110705-01 Joint Resolution to Affirm Unity in an Interim Government

Joint Resolution by Congress 20110705-01


20110524-02 Joint Resolution Time Frames and Procedures for Establishing Standing in Republic Congress



20110523-02 Joint Resolution Affirm and Document Our Nation’s Foundation by Constitution for Republic Form of Government




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Information about the interim government that is restoring Operations under the Constitution for the United States of America