Category Archives: Republic Information Conference for Governors


Jim Carpenter led presentation of the Executive Summary continuing on the topic of the Northwest Ordinance and it’s importance as a model in government to provide the lawful jurisdiction for the American people as they exit the Corporate Democracy and enter the jurisdiction of the de jure American Republic, our heritage.


Listen as Jim Carpenter, Jean and David Hertler and Roger Waters explain how we can fix America.


Listen as Jim Carpenter, Jean Hertler and Roger Waters explain the challenge Americans face in once more becoming self governing.


Listen as Jim Carpenter, Jean and David Hertler and Roger Waters challenge Americans to live up to our birthright. Explains the Republic in a nutshell.


Jim Carpenter led a presentation of the Executive Summary along with historians and authors David and Jean Hertler, Justice Roger Waters and Representative Mark Binder interjecting insight on this very important document that explains what the Restored Republic IS, and what it IS NOT while also including the historical background.


Special guest Tracey Nazarenus of Crusaders Valors for Veterans with 20 years experience as a horseman described the truth of what happened at the border and how Fakenews spinned a false narrative of what really happened.


David Hertler presented from Re-inhabited Vol I about the two histories in America, the luciferian history and the truthful history. Founding Father quotes came alive in discussion.

Mark Binder interjected that when we study the Founding Fathers quotes we learn much. Martin Luther King Jr said “If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values – that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control.”

Jim Carpenter said our moral compass was changed when they changed our education. The Covid-19 is going after the “god gene” that will make vaccinated humanity to become inhuman with repercussions to the people of their DNA being changed while now owned by the evil elite.

Dean Henning quoted from Chief Justice of the US John Jay. Dean explained how get involved in standing up the Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history. He introduced our new website tab, “Covid-Depopulation.”

Roger Waters presents “The six things the Lord hates and the seventh is an abomination.”

Jim Carpenter shared his perspective.
The dark side’s Agenda2020/30 was delayed because of President Trump and what he did in lawful preparation toward restoring the Republic so the elite now have to speed things up to make their goal. The Bible says in the End Days time will be speeded up and this is that. God doesn’t lose in the End.

Just Say NO VAX

David Broadhurst says it’s time to come home to the Republic. He spoke about the disgraceful government heads and upper brass along with the need to promptly charge them with their crimes.
David Hertler said this crisis is showing the urgent need in this time to standup the Republic.
Jean Hertler opened the program referencing the current unlawful medical mandate and shared what our Founding Fathers had to say about the need of the people in resistance.
David Hertler talked about the crisis in America and that it’s time to standup the Republic.
Jim Carpenter said if we don’t stand now we’ll be on our knees forever.
Dean Henning exhorts Americans to stand up for our Military.
Roger Waters talked about the Stockholm Syndrome and how captives held for a period of time become bonded with their captors. He paralleled it to our current tyrannical government. The best thing to do is break the bond.
David Hertler spoke about the need to embrace the Declaration of Independence and why.
Dean Henning explained how get involved in standing up the Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “Prepare for the fake rapture.”
Jim Carpenter shared a profound and captivating personal history of the founding of our country.
David Broadhurst closed with what you hear here you won’t hear anywhere else. He exhorted the American people to join and stand up the Republic. “They’re fighting our Military. ..they’re attacking us from within.” There are upper brass that are terrorists. We need to reach out to all of our veterans. This is a call that we need you now. War is hell. This is real. We need you now. History is repeating itself and it’s evil.


David Hertler touched on the life and culture in early America along with the conditioning and brainwashing that caused our country’s crisis today.
Mark Binder spoke on how “compromise” has been the lynchpin causing America’s crisis.
Jim Carpenter talked about life in his younger years and that morality existed in culture. The question is what occurred that made America great and how do we get back to it?
Jean Hertler explained how to get involved in restoring the American Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “Rosh HaShanah,” the Biblical New Year. Have you heard the sound of the Shofar? Are you running towards the Kingdom, or away from it?
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective from the Pilgrims in 1620 to where we are today. There’s some tough things to endure ahead though standing for truth and Justice most of all, we will make it through with blessings.



David Broadhurst spoke about the need for the American people to restore the American Republic.
David Hertler talked about the contrast of the spiritual landscape from the 1600s to today and the critical importance of virtue.
Mark Binder spoke into the fruit of the Spirit as going hand-in-hand with the characteristic of virtue.
Jim Carpenter brought up our Founding Fathers pointing out that this form of government will work for only those with virtue.
Dean Henning explained how get involved in restoring the American Republic and exhorted Americans to learn our true history.
Roger Waters presents “The beginning of the end.”
Jim Carpenter shared his perspective.
Rev 18:23 “by Pharmakea were all nations deceived.” The time has come to choose which jurisdiction you want to live in. God’s or the other.
David Broadhurst closed with the fact that Americans are in modern day slavery. “Don’t be a sheep. Don’t be a slave. Don’t be a lab rat.”