Category Archives: Republic


David Hertler talked about the governmental calling of God-fearing American People. Jim Carpenter presented facts to help Americans rationalize the trauma that we as a nation have just experienced and the ten-year journey we’ve been on and watching Bible prophecy unfold. He challenges America to have a bright future. Jean Hertler tells a short true history of our republican form of government and how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic with an exhortation to learn truthful history. Roger Waters presented “How to Take Power from the People.” Jim Carpenter ends by talking about the opportunities ahead of us and where the whole world is going. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Americans, Who Are You?

Kelby Smith clarifies God’s law and man’s law, in “Who am I?” An important topic that every American must understand. Jean Hertler explores the history of our Flag explaining what the yellow-fringe on Old Glory means in law. Dean Henning presents and explains how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic. Roger Waters presented “Peace Pact” and brings clarity to the Bible unfolding in current events today with a projection of things to come. Jim Carpenter spoke into the overall narrative and summarized the program. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Beast System on the Rise?

Kelby Smith presented a thrilling factual history of the beast system in America and the steps taken in the takeover while explaining our Founders’ intent for self-government.
Don’t miss this!
Dean Henning brings a witness to the facts Kelby presents and explains how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic. Roger Waters revealed our “real enemy;” the details are unmistakable. Jean Hertler summarized the program. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

How The American People Re-Occupied The Republic

Kelby Smith eloquently explained how the American Republic was set aside in the Civil War days and how it was lawfully re-occupied in 2010 during the Obama Administration. Jean Hertler presented “Now is the Time to Restore Education to Our Heritage in Liberty.” David Hertler presented how our Forefathers and Founding Fathers created a Biblical culture. David Broadhurst spoke into the overall contemporary mess while exhorting Americans to stand up and support the Republic. Kelby Smith, David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Looking Towards Restoration of the Church and the Republic

Kelby Smith explains the hoodwinking of the Church by the 501c3 regulation. Jim Carpenter discusses “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and the importance of phyto nutrients in brain function. Jean Hertler ties together the position of the Church and importance of preaching the whole counsel of God in civil and religious liberty. Dean Henning contributed how the enemies of the American Republic have effected the institutions and exhorted the American people to get involved. David Hertler reveals the real enemy of the Church and the American Republic. David Hertler and Davis Broadhurst (“Gator”- For the People Radio 101) hosted.

What Better Way to Memorialize Them Than to Restore The Republic

President Geiger leads a fascinating discussion on why we should Trust Trump. Roger Waters memorializes those who gave their lives for the cause of Liberty. Dean Henning explains how the American People can get involved with their Republic. David Hertler recalls his military service and contemplates the meaning of modern warfare. Jim Carpenter puts it all into perspective.

Where We Go One, We Go All

Jean and David Hertler discuss the culture at the time of our forefathers and overview the past decade of the American People awakening to government corruption. Navajo Pastor Ron Harvey and Jim Carpenter discuss the devastating effect of the corona virus on the Navajo People. Dean Henning explains how the American People can get involved with their Republic. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio) hosted.


The Foundation of the American Republic

Jean Hertler articulates the foundation of the American Republic while bringing clarity to our nation’s roots in a Biblical culture of virtue derived from Christianity, the religion of Liberty. Restoration must derive from this same foundation. Roger Waters expounds on our American Republic law form. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio) hosted.
Jim Carpenter summed up the show and Dean Henning explained to the American People how to get involved with their Republic.

An open letter to President Trump

Jean Hertler reads her letter to President Trump advocating clemency for James Timothy Turner, first President of the Restored Republic.


What is a Republican Form of Government?

Why did our Fore Fathers Guarantee us a Republican Form of Government?

President Geiger and Jim Carpenter begin with a fascinating discussion on our unique Republican Form of Government. Roger Waters exposes those who are invading America. Jean Hertler explains the historical importance of our Republican Form of Government.