Category Archives: Public Notices

I Had A Dream

I Had a Dream

I am addressing this to the American People and to President Trump. Unknown to most of you on this past July 4th I paid a visit to the emergency room for the second time and after being admitted to the hospital ended up coding, you could say, coming about as close to death from internal blood loss as you can get. In essence I am as one back from the dead in a figurative sense. I had a dream this past night, the night of July 8th in which I was part of the crowd in the East Room of the Whitehouse and shortly after President Trump finished addressing the crowd, he somewhat reluctantly allowed me to go forward and address the crowd in what appeared to me to be a live broadcast.

I was able to assure him that I was not a threat and began to explain how that we needed to start working together in earnest to restore the Republic. I was able to explain to the American People how the Republic had been shelved and how only the corporate side of government came out of the Civil War. Shortly thereafter President Trump and I retired together to a more private room and sat down together and began our discussion.

On awaking from this dream I was moved to write some more details about the American People’s efforts thus far in Restoring the Republic that have not been addressed heretofore. Mainly, that back in 2010 when the American People had risen up to Restore the Republic the Obama Administration and the deep state joined forces, much like they did to try and defeat President Trump, in order to confound the valid lawful efforts of the American People to Restore the Republic.

They did this by demonizing our efforts in the fake news media, infiltrating our ranks to cause division and ultimately falsely arresting and prosecuting the appointed President of the interim Republic, James Timothy Turner. At the same time they arrested President Turner one of their agents falsely spread word that everyone participating in the restoration of the Republic would also be arrested.

The thought occurs to me that had it not been for the unlawful intervention of the Obama Administration, the deep state, including the fake news media and controlled social media the Republic would have been fully restored back in 2010. Well it’s time for the American People to get their Republic back. It’s time for the current administration to remedy what was wrongfully done to the American People going all the way back to when the Republic was lost. It’s time to restore the Republic. I don’t see that happening unless President Trump, the only lawful authority able to do it, takes the necessary steps to make it happen.

I believe that this will entail President Trump working with the current President of the Republic for the United States, myself, behind the scenes to bring about this transition. The Republic for the United States is the only lawful interim government able to finish this transition on behalf of the American People. I believe President Trump is the Spearhead of the Republic and has already started movement towards restoring the Republic. But I do not perceive that he will be able to complete the task alone due to the interference of the deep state and allied forces that are bent on the destruction of America as we have known it. The only solution is the return to our republican form of governance as guaranteed by Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution.

For instance, President Trump may not even be afforded a second term due to the unlawful voting tactics of the left. In addition to that, I am sure his life is constantly being threatened by deep state players. I applaud the efforts of President Trump. He has done a wonderful job as President and CEO of the US Corporation.

Mr. President you made mention of the fact that you appointed more Federal Judges than any other President save for President Washington. The thought occurred to me that if we work together you will be able to match President Washington in judicial appointments, since 100 percent of federal judges will need to be appointed to their Republic Judicial Offices to once more serve the American People under the Constitution instead of under the bylaws of the US Corporation.

May God Bless America

President James Buchanan Geiger

Secured ID: PR364424439RUSA

An Appeal to the American People by the President of the
Republic of the United States of America

by: President James Buchanan Geiger

Excerpt from President Washington’s first inaugural address:

in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States, a Government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes: and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success, the functions allotted to his charge. See Washington’s Inaugural Address, 1789

In President Washington’s first inaugural address he made “fervent supplications” to God Almighty that God, himself, would oversee his administration and bring success of all of the functions of government. I readily adjure the oversight of God Almighty in overseeing the administration of the Republic for the United States of America and the UNITED STATES. May He grant a speedy return to a republican form of governance in our time. President Trump has signaled a return to governance of, by, and for the American people. He stated as much in his inaugural address:

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.” – see Whitehouse.Gov/Inaugural

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