Category Archives: Media Release

Our Dynamic Declaration of Independence

Our Dynamic Declaration of Independence, a living document, brought to life by David Hertler, Jim Carpenter, Dean Henning, Roger Waters and David Broadhurst. “The Seed,” by Roger Waters. Dean Henning spoke on how to get fully involved.Jim Carpenter summarized with insight. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio) hosted.


Who is Directing the Insurgency?

David Hertler & Jim Carpenter encourage patriots to take the offensive in the battle for America. Dean Henning spoke on how to get fully involved. Roger Waters envisions what real equality looks like. Jean Hertler explains why education is the key to restoring and maintaining Liberty. David Hertler revives historic speeches that are relevant today. Jim Carpenter summerized. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio) hosted.


Insurrection in America?

David Hertler, Jim Carpenter and Dean Henning shed light on the insurrection and police. Roger Waters explains why the union of states does not allow for the current insurgency. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst ( hosted.


Let there be Liberty and Justice for All

President Geiger talks about the power of your local sheriff. Governor Henning shares his personal opinion of his law enforcement career. Justice Waters gives us an historical overview of law enforcement in America. Jean and David Hertler appeal to the American People to once more Appeal to Heaven.



Who is Funding the Insurgency?

Jean Hertler brings clarity to the false “national protest” narrative of MSM. David Hertler and Jim Carpenter talk about a hopeful Great Awakening of the American People. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio) hosted.


An open letter to President Trump

Jean Hertler reads her letter to President Trump advocating clemency for James Timothy Turner, first President of the Restored Republic.


Walter Reed Visit

President Geiger, Jean Hertler and Roger Waters discuss the “poison cup” and delve into the poisoning of past Presidents. Roger Waters follows with a brief discussion on the true status of Americans and how far we have come from that established by our Forefathers. David Hertler talks about the responsibility that Liberty creates.

Enemy at Our Gate?

President Geiger leads a fascinating discussion on the insurgency into America. Roger Waters follows with the low down on the pay back coming to those involved in the coup against a seated President. David Hertler continues to plead the case that the Republic, itself, is the Only Solution for America.


All Hail King Schiff?

Is America witnessing the rise of another Hitler? Are the demoncrates and rhinos controlled by the CIA funded drug cartels? What are they hiding from the American People? Is the fake Impeachment a means for them to rise to power as they manipulate the voting machines?

“The dragon and his angels are in heaven, and seem to have grown up there. This harmonizes with the facts. Our war is not an invasion by a foreign foe, but a rebellion—the rebellion of an enemy which has grown
up in our midst.” Rev. George Phillips, 1864

What Would Lincoln Do with the DC Drug Lords?

Is it Time to Declare a National Emergency?