All posts by Republic Admin

Open letter to President Trump

President Geiger reads an open letter to President Trump providing solutions for the CV storm. Roger Waters follows with his view of world events. David Hertler exposes “law makers.” Jim Carpenter sums it all up.

An open letter to President Trump

Jean Hertler reads her letter to President Trump advocating clemency for James Timothy Turner, first President of the Restored Republic.


Are You Ready for the Coming Storm?

Time to prepare for a quarantine? Better safe than sorry. Understand current events, our history and prophecy.


The Enemies of America Just Tried to Take Out Trump
Left to their own they will destroy everything America Stands For. President Trump and his administration must act to bring them to justice.

Is it Time to Prosecute the Leaders of the Coup?

Should those who conspired against President Trump be prosecuted in your State? Roger Waters examines some of the facts. Jean and David Hertler shed light on the meaning of the “Pursuit of Happiness.”


Who is Pulling the Strings of Congress?
Will the American People hold those involved in the impeachment coup accountable?


What Foundation did They Lay?

David Hertler leads a discussion on the Impeachment and Virginia. David Hertler talks about America’s rich educational heritage and the cultural landscape of the early Republic based on the character trait of virtue derived from God’s Word. Roger Waters talks more about the origins of our law form. Jean Hertler sums it all up.

What is a Republican Form of Government?

Why did our Fore Fathers Guarantee us a Republican Form of Government?

President Geiger and Jim Carpenter begin with a fascinating discussion on our unique Republican Form of Government. Roger Waters exposes those who are invading America. Jean Hertler explains the historical importance of our Republican Form of Government.



Roger Waters expounds on the signs in the heavens and Biblical connections of the Re-Inhabited Republic. Jean Hertler provides more details of the events. David Hertler pleads the case for the Republic, itself, the Only Solution for America.


Who is The Great Liberator?

Jean Hertler leads off with a fascinating discussion on American Education as envisioned by our Forefathers. Roger Waters follows with his “Thief in the night” message. R.D. Peterson gives and update.