Download: RNNCTD – October 12, 2017
REVISITING THE FACTS SURROUNDING 9/11 – the day that changed America Forever!
This week we will revisit the facts surrounding the destruction of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the subsequent collapse of Building 7 and the evidence that critically challenges the report by the 9/11 Commission that the buildings collapsed from plane impacts and their ensuing fires.
That critical report completely ignored the collapse of Building 7, a nearby 47 story high rise building that had neither plane impacts or extensive fires, and collapsed into it’s own footprint on the same day. You will hear compelling evidence of controlled demolition and a massive government cover-up of an event that has led to a trillion dollar + limitless war on terror and the dismantling of the constitutional guarantees afforded average Americans with the passage of the misnamed ” Patriot Act”. Our guests Richard Gage and Erik Lawyer will discuss the events of 9/11, scientific evidence of controlled demolition, eyewitness accounts of Emergency Workers, and the reports from NIST for the 9/11 Commission. This discussion may change the way you view the events of 9//11 forever.

Since AE 911Truth was launched in 2006, nearly 2,500 architects and engineers with verified academic degrees and professional licenses have signed its petition calling for a new, independent investigation-with full subpoena power-into the September 11, 2001, destruction of the World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7. The organization also represents more than 20,000 non-architect/engineer petition signers, including scientists, attorneys, and other responsible, educated citizens in the US and abroad. All signatories of both AE911Truth petitions cite what they believe is overwhelming evidence pointing to the controlled demolition of the three WTC skyscrapers. He began his quest for the truth about the collapse of the WTC high-rises after hearing on the radio the startling conclusions of reluctant 9/11 researcher/writer/speaker David Ray Griffin. Since founding Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Gage has delivered his live multimedia presentation 9/11: Blueprint for Truth more than 500 times in 37 foreign countries and 110 American cities to audiences ranging in size from 30 to 3,000. He has appeared in more than 550 radio and television spots. Quote: Thermite … Cuts through steel like a Hot Knife Through Butter!