Tag Archives: Trump


David Hertler talked about the governmental calling of God-fearing American People. Jim Carpenter presented facts to help Americans rationalize the trauma that we as a nation have just experienced and the ten-year journey we’ve been on and watching Bible prophecy unfold. He challenges America to have a bright future. Jean Hertler tells a short true history of our republican form of government and how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic with an exhortation to learn truthful history. Roger Waters presented “How to Take Power from the People.” Jim Carpenter ends by talking about the opportunities ahead of us and where the whole world is going. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.


The Road Ahead

David Hertler talked about what the 4th of July may look like in 2021. He explained that we live in the most exciting time in world history and is looking forward to a new America. Jim Carpenter agrees there is no doubt we will realize restoration as the American People see it and respond to their new found heritage; We get to take it back to make it ours—and that is to rejoice. Jean Hertler said this is it after decades of work towards restoration. David Broadhurst on what has to happen to restore our Republic; it’s massive and we will overcome and the meaning of the 19th President. David Hertler talked about referring again to the great political textbook—the Bible. And a God-fearing person to lead doing it God’s way. David Broadhurst talked about the need for Justice. Dean Henning tells how to get involved in the restoration of the American Republic with an exhortation to learn truthful history. Roger Waters presented “Has WWIII begun?” Jim Carpenter ends on a positive note in overall perspective. David Broadhurst closes in exhortation to stand up and step forward to get involved with the Republic. If things go dark know the American People are resilient. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Release of The Kraken on The Deep State

Kelby Smith explains Private vs Public. Dean Henning explains how you can get involved with your American Republic. Roger Waters presents “Transition.” Jim Carpenter exposes the “Kraken”. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.