Tag Archives: socialism versus freedom

Do The American People Want Their Liberty Back?

Do The American People Want Their Liberty Back?
David Hertler tells how to get our liberty back. Jim Carpenter talks about education and nutritious food. Jean Hertler interjects how to get involved in your Republic. Roger Waters impactfulky delivers his letter to the enemy. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted

Roger Waters presents on the Deep State in the Bible as hell lays out remarkable details making it unmistakable. Dean Henning talks about the destruction near his home at Kenosha Wisconsin and tells how to get involved in the Republic. Jim Carpenter spoke into better times in America and with a housecleaning we can have it back again. David Hertler explained that our ancestors brought to the New World in America civil and religious liberty which is no longer preached in the pulpit resulting in failing to preach “the whole counsel of God.” He explains the importance of virtue as necessary in obtaining Liberty. Dave Broadhurst talks about the fight to save our country. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio) hosted.

Roger Waters spoke powerfully on socialism versus freedom. Dean Henning tells how to get involved in the Republic. Jim Carpenter talked about current events with the Secretary of Defense responding to demands of Dems wanting the military to remove Presidrnt Trump from the White House and Sec Milley stating that it’s a matter for the Supreme Court not the military. Also on war materials being intercepted in heading toward Kenosha Wisconsin and two senators investigating the funding sources of Antifa and BLM. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.