Tag Archives: Interim Government


Roger Waters expounds on the signs in the heavens and Biblical connections of the Re-Inhabited Republic. Jean Hertler provides more details of the events. David Hertler pleads the case for the Republic, itself, the Only Solution for America.


How can I contribute to the Republic ?

More and more American People are freely donating their time and money to establish and continue their interim government (Republic). At this time the Republic for the United States of America can only achieve its goals with the assistance of generous donations from the Americans that make up the body politic. While the people gladly give of their time, we must pay the bills. Your donation will go toward the website, IT management, communications and marketing. You may make a one-time donation or set up recurring gifts.

You can use online banking or PayPal to email your Donation to:

You may also mail your checks to:

c/o Americans For Republic Foundation
2271 West Malvern Avenue #292
Fullerton California America [92833]
Non-Domestic – w/o United States

No gift is too small. Thank you in advance for your support.

If you wish to make a large donation please contact the Republic at rrb.admin@republicoftheunitedstates.org with “funding” in the subject line to set an appointment to discuss helping the Republic.

Is funding available to help re-inhabit my State?

We are all volunteers with our time and money at both the State and Nation level. It is your mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, your brothers and sisters and children of the People around this country that are the lifeblood of this Republic. The American People have freely donated their time and money for the purpose of establishing and continuing their interim government (Republic). Once the majority of the American People fully embrace their Constitutional Republic funding will come through the lawfully collected taxes to pay the verifiable debts of the government.

Is funding available for the Republic?

More and more American People are freely donating their time and money to establish and continue their interim government (Republic). As the majority of Americans fully embrace their Constitutional Republic, additional funding will come through lawfully collected taxes to pay verifiable government debts. To avoid the same pitfall of the corporate government, we will institute a radically altered tax strategy that will conform to the Constitutional prohibition on income-based and redundant taxation.