The above is the 25Jun2024 training call in which President Geiger discussed the Implementation of the Northwest Ordinance and it’s Addendum (Draft.) Please note that the beginning of the call was not recorded in which the President spoke about the required reading material for Republic Office Holders (Re-Inhabited: Republic for the United States of America Volume I: America’s Truthful History AND Re-Inhabited: Republic for the United States of America Volume II: The Story of the Re-inhabitation.)
Tag Archives: Interim Government
How to Save America – A short history of how our Republic was hijacked and replaced by a corporation and how a group of dedicated patriots “re-inhabited” the abandoned Republic.
By Dr Sandy Miarecki, Lt Col, USAF (retired)
Her answer to stolen elections is for Americans to help reseat the Republic system that our Founding Fathers gave us.

See the links below for the documents mentioned in the video:
Register as a Republic Voter:
Dunn and Bradstreet, Government of the United States corporation:
28 USC 3002 (The United States is a federal corporation)
Rules for state secession, US Supreme Court: Texas v. White 1869
Secession and Civil War:
Lincoln’s proclamation 22 Sep 1862 (reference to “Executive Government”):
Lincoln’s proclamation 1 Jan 1863 (reference to “Executive Government”):
14th Amendment, section 1, putting US citizenship above state citizenship:
Dunn and Bradstreet, State of Colorado corporation:
Forming a government for US/District of Columbia in 1871 (in violation of Constitution):
Summary of the US corporation:
Missing 13th Amendment (including a photograph):
The Creature from Jekyll Island (G. Edward Griffin):
Federal Reserve bill 1913:
16th Amendment (allowing income tax on corporations):
Dept of Treasury organizational chart:
Social Security is unconstitutional:
Northwest Ordinance of 1787:
“Re-inhabited” Vol 1 and 2, by Jean and David Hertler:
Reading of Republic’s Declaration of Sovereign Intent and Proclamation of Claim and Interest:—Proclamation-of-Claim-and-Interest-of-the-Republic-for-the-United-States-of-America:c
Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates:
NESARA and GESARA (history of the concepts, not sure if all is true)
Republic President Geiger Addresses the Nation – Hope for a Better Future
What Can You Do to Fix America?
The Vision of our Founding Fathers
Our Founding Fathers established a Republican form of Government to safeguard individual rights and prevent the tyranny of the majority or the government itself. As Alexis de Tocqueville observed, “The majority recognizes these two barriers; and if it now and then oversteps them, it is because, like individuals, it has passions, and like them, it is prone to do what is wrong, while it discerns what is right.”
They empowered Americans to pursue their goals without harming others and ensured government would be controlled by the consent of the governed. They understood the Bible as the governing document and had a Biblical worldview, conducting the nation’s affairs accordingly.
Tocqueville exclaimed, “Despotism may govern without faith, but liberty cannot. Religion is much more necessary in the republic… than in the monarchy… and what can be done with a people which is its own master, if it be not submissive to the Divinity?”
The Founders established schools to ensure young people could read the Bible, be schooled in the principles of liberty and self-governance, and maintain a Biblical worldview from generation to generation.
Yet, as Washington warned, “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men” have subverted the power of the people and usurped the reins of government, destroying the very engines that lifted them to unjust dominion.
Today, the American people find themselves governed by force instead of consent, surrounded by laws and mandates not written for their benefit but for the oligarchs in control. It’s time to implement the Northwest Ordinance to RESET America and restore the vision of our Founding Fathers.
The Shot Heard Around The World
Watch “The Shot Heard Around The World”
On the 1775 anniversary of “the shot heard around the world” and start of the American Revolution for Independence from a despotic & tyrannical government, listen in on this brief discussion of Republic leaders Dr Sandy Miarecki, Jean & David Hertler as they point out the repeat of government gone wrong and pointing to the solution in the restoration of the American Republic. Learn how players in the de facto Corporate Democracy secretly changed the law form in 1938 without giving notice to the People. Learn what was tacked-on to State constitutions as statutes to where State courts are now a Statutory Jurisdiction using “Public Policy” and colorable money not redeemable for value, and no longer Common Law courts abiding in constitutional natural law—and more! This is knowledge that must be attained along with what it will take to correct it.
About the Republic as documented in Re-Inhabited Republic Volume 2
The Story of the Re-inhabitation
“The Story of the Re-inhabitation” is volume two of the Re-inhabited: Republic for the United States of America series. The facts and evidence presented in Re-Inhabited are a very large and critical piece of history not taught in our schools for many generations.
What Would Life Be Like in the Republic Without the IRS?
With tax day just around the corner, Republic leaders discuss a timely topic on what life would be like in the Republic without the IRS. Inside the Republic government there will be no IRS. Learn what the Constitution for the United States, “the supreme law of the land,” stipulates as to who is responsible to lay and collect taxes, the history in how the IRS illegally and unlawfully came into existence, and where the American peoples’ tax moneys have been forwarded to–it’s a shocking revelation. And there’s much more along with the solutions with the “Roadmap for the Re-inhabitation of the Republic and Transition to the Republic.”
Astounding Signs in the Heavens
Jean Hertler presents excerpts taken from Volume 2 of the Re-inhabited series, ”The Story of the Re-inhabitation” in relation to what the Creator of the universe has been speaking in the astounding signs in the heavens in the sun moon, and stars in the past decade and how it relates to the American Republic which was birthed with Creator God’s law form on earth known in the Declaration of Independence as “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” When they occur on Biblical Feast Days it cannot be mistaken that the Creator is communicating His End Time message of which the world must pay attention to.
Roger Waters presents the relationship between God and mankind in respect to a covenant made between them and the serious ramifications when the covenant is broken by mankind including that of nations. Mr. Waters speaks into what Mrs. Hertler presented with a thought-provoking greater depth of insight. There is another major sign in the heavens about to take place in less that 2 weeks and right before the Biblical Passover Feast. You will want to know what it all means.
Vision for America- Together we can overcome and gain a better future for ourselves and our children.
Vision for America- Together we can overcome and gain a better future for ourselves and our children.
Resetting Civil Authority 2 _ A Great Miracle Happened There _ Documenting How Americans Re-Inhabited The Republic
Resetting Civil Authority 2 _ A Great Miracle Happened There _ Documenting How Americans Re-Inhabited The Republic