Once again, America has experienced another stolen election. Obviously we need to change tactics if we want to save America. We cannot work within the corrupt system because the corruption is total, especially the voting systems. What else can we do? We leave their corrupt system.
One of our Republic members (Sandy Miarecki, see biography below) has created a video (38 min) with a summary in a short format with simple diagrams to explain how we lost our Republic, and also how we got it back. Back in the early 2000’s, a group of patriots saw what was coming. They researched our founding documents to find a solution. That’s when they realized that our current “federal government” is actually a corporation under foreign control. All lower levels of government are corporations as well. But our Republic (at all levels) was not abolished, only abandoned, starting in 1861 and then in totality in 1871. And so these patriots “reinhabited” the abandoned Republic in Nov 2010 by filling the open seats and signing a Declaration of Sovereign Intent. In essence, today we have 2 governments running in parallel in America.
In the video there are MANY source documents to factually support everything in the video. The links are also in the description below the video. The video will shock many of you, because We The People were never told this information in school or otherwise (it was intentionally kept from us.) Please click on the links to prove to yourself that the video information is correct.
HOW TO SAVE AMERICA – Posted on Rumble
The bottom line is that we need to leave the corrupt corporate system and reenter the Republic system that our Founding Fathers gave us. We all need to join the Reinhabited Republic (by joining their newsletter via their website) and to declare our sovereign status to leave the corporation behind.
Biography of Dr Sandy Miarecki, Lt Col, USAF (retired):
Dr Miarecki was born and raised in Illinois. After graduating as valedictorian of her high school class, she attended the University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign where she received her bachelor’s degree in astrophysics with top academic honors. She also completed the Air Force ROTC program and was commissioned into the Air Force. She became a pilot, an instructor pilot, and a test pilot, before retiring after 20 years of honorable service. After retirement, she completed her PhD in particle physics at the University of California-Berkeley. She was hired as a federal civilian physics instructor and eventually assistant professor at the US Air Force Academy. When the illegal Covid mandates arrived at the Academy, she fought the mandates and helped others to fight back, primarily by helping them with religious exemptions. Her courageous actions resulted in her getting fired in Sept 2022.
No federal endorsement is implied.