Tag Archives: Civil Government


How do we understand American History from a Biblical perspective? Join us as we tackle that question. The enemy of the people will destroy America unless we act. Will our children inherit a world of darkness and injustice, or one of hope and opportunity? The choice is ours. It’s time to stand up and defend the Republic, for the sake of our children and all future generations. Together, we can restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people, by providing them with the information and education they need, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action. Join us in this fight, and let’s make sure that our children inherit a better world. Will our generation be remembered for rejecting knowledge?

“There is not a truth to be gathered from history more certain, or more momentous, than this: that civil liberty cannot long be separated from religious liberty without danger, and ultimately without destruction to both. Wherever religious liberty exists, it will, first or last, bring in and establish political liberty.”
Federer, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, “Joseph Story,” (Coppell: FAME Publishing, Inc, 1994) 702-703

Join us in this important effort to restore our Republic and secure a better future for ourselves and future generations. We can take action to protect the Republic by using the constitutional means at our disposal and alternative forms of communication and organization. We must also restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people by providing them with information and education, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action.
We are organizing committees in every state and county to hold transition elections and refill vacant republic seats. If we come together in unity and rally around our Republic, we can restore it in a short amount of time and diminish corporate control, allowing us to preserve our way of life.
The Republic News Network (RNN) is a broadcaster for the Republic for the United States of America. Its purpose is to connect with the American People, provide them with a message of hope, and inform them of important current events and the restored Republic. RNN hosts discussions on various topics and opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Republic and no federal endorsement is implied. The official interim government stances are at: RepublicfortheUnitedStatesofAmerica.org

WOMAN OF VALOR – THE TRANSITION – Dr Sandy Miarecki, Lt Col, USAF (retired)

Special Guest Dr Sandy Miarecki, Lt Col, USAF (retired) tells her story of transition to the Republic.” Will you also help us to reseat the Republic that our Founding Fathers gave us?

“There is not a truth to be gathered from history more certain, or more momentous, than this: that civil liberty cannot long be separated from religious liberty without danger, and ultimately without destruction to both. Wherever religious liberty exists, it will, first or last, bring in and establish political liberty.”
Federer, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, “Joseph Story,” (Coppell: FAME Publishing, Inc, 1994) 702-703

Join us in this important effort to restore our Republic and secure a better future for ourselves and future generations. We can take action to protect the Republic by using the constitutional means at our disposal and alternative forms of communication and organization. We must also restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people by providing them with information and education, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action.
We are organizing committees in every state and county to hold transition elections and refill vacant republic seats. If we come together in unity and rally around our Republic, we can restore it in a short amount of time and diminish corporate control, allowing us to preserve our way of life.
The Republic News Network (RNN) is a broadcaster for the Republic for the United States of America. Its purpose is to connect with the American People, provide them with a message of hope, and inform them of important current events and the restored Republic. RNN hosts discussions on various topics and opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Republic and no federal endorsement is implied. The official interim government stances are at: RepublicfortheUnitedStatesofAmerica.org


The enemy of the people will destroy America unless we act. Will our children inherit a world of darkness and injustice, or one of hope and opportunity? The choice is ours. It’s time to stand up and defend the Republic, for the sake of our children and all future generations. Together, we can restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people, by providing them with the information and education they need, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action. Join us in this fight, and let’s make sure that our children inherit a better world. Will our generation be remembered for rejecting knowledge?

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Hosea 4:6

Join us in this important effort to restore our Republic and secure a better future for ourselves and future generations. We can take action to protect the Republic by using the constitutional means at our disposal and alternative forms of communication and organization. We must also restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people by providing them with information and education, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action.
We are organizing committees in every state and county to hold transition elections and refill vacant republic seats. If we come together in unity and rally around our Republic, we can restore it in a short amount of time and diminish corporate control, allowing us to preserve our way of life.
The Republic News Network (RNN) is a broadcaster for the Republic for the United States of America. Its purpose is to connect with the American People, provide them with a message of hope, and inform them of important current events and the restored Republic. RNN hosts discussions on various topics and opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Republic and no federal endorsement is implied. The official interim government stances are at: RepublicfortheUnitedStatesofAmerica.org


Will our children inherit a world of darkness and injustice, or one of hope and opportunity? The choice is ours. It’s time to stand up and defend the Republic, for the sake of our children and all future generations. Together, we can restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people, by providing them with the information and education they need, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action. Join us in this fight, and let’s make sure that our children inherit a better world. Will our generation be remembered for rejecting knowledge?

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Hosea 4:6

Join us in this important effort to restore our Republic and secure a better future for ourselves and future generations. We can take action to protect the Republic by using the constitutional means at our disposal and alternative forms of communication and organization. We must also restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people by providing them with information and education, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action.
We are organizing committees in every state and county to hold transition elections and refill vacant republic seats. If we come together in unity and rally around our Republic, we can restore it in a short amount of time and diminish corporate control, allowing us to preserve our way of life.
The Republic News Network (RNN) is a broadcaster for the Republic for the United States of America. Its purpose is to connect with the American People, provide them with a message of hope, and inform them of important current events and the restored Republic. RNN hosts discussions on various topics and opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Republic and no federal endorsement is implied. The official interim government stances are at: RepublicfortheUnitedStatesofAmerica.org


It’s time to stand up and defend the Republic, for the sake of our children and all future generations. Together, we can restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people, by providing them with the information and education they need, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action. Join us in this fight, and let’s make sure that our children inherit a better world.”
Remember, as Proverbs 29:18 says, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’
Join us in this important effort to restore our Republic and secure a better future for ourselves and future generations. We can take action to protect the Republic by using the constitutional means at our disposal and alternative forms of communication and organization. We must also restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people by providing them with information and education, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action.
We are organizing committees in every state and county to hold transition elections and refill vacant republic seats. If we come together in unity and rally around our Republic, we can restore it in a short amount of time and diminish corporate control, allowing us to preserve our way of life.
The Republic News Network (RNN) is a broadcaster for the Republic for the United States of America. Its purpose is to connect with the American People, provide them with a message of hope, and inform them of important current events and the restored Republic. RNN hosts discussions on various topics and opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Republic and no federal endorsement is implied. The official interim government stances are at: RepublicfortheUnitedStatesofAmerica.org


Join us as we discuss the options available to the American People as the days grow shorter for a repair of the breach. The Republic has continued to stand despite obstacles while imploring the American People to come out of the beast jurisdiction.
Revelation 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
Join us in this important effort to restore our Republic and secure a better future for ourselves and future generations.
Once the Republic is stood up the American People can avert disaster. Act now to restore your Republic. Why do we try and make restoration of our Republic seem impossible? The solution has always been the America People. We get what we want. Do you truly want your Republic back? As Americans, we are obligated to preserve of our way of life. America could fix herself quickly if we focus on the fix, Restoring Our Republic. We must join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic. Join us as we move forward in unity. We are filling vacancies now. We have explained why/how the Northwest Ordinance is the pathway towards re-occupying the free states. Why are we saying this? Because the “States” are vacant, replaced with corporations. In essence, the vacant states have the status of territories and need to be re-occupied by the People. We are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic. As the Republic is stood up corporate control will diminish. If the American People rally around their Republic all of this can happen in short order. Again, we are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. Opinions expressed by RNN contributors do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Republic for the United States of America and no federal endorsement is implied. The official interim government stances can be found on the Republic’s website: RepublicfortheUnitedStatesofAmerica.org.
The Republic News Network (RNN) is a broadcaster for the Republic for the United States of America. RNN’s purpose is to connect with the American People and to provide them with a message of hope that the American Republic has been restored. RNN hosts discussions on various topics, including business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, and intelligence, on Tuesday evenings with other patriotic Americans. Through these discussions, RNN aims to inform the American People of important current events and to educate its guests and listeners about the restored Republic.

THE REBIRTH OF A NATION – Remembering the Early Days of the Refounding of the Republic

THE REBIRTH OF A NATION – Remembering the Early Days of the Refounding of the Republic
Robert is an entrepreneur and statesman who is open to opportunities that bring out the best in people. He has experience in property management, construction, real estate, and multiple business start-ups. He is passionate about restoring the country to its first principles and has a masters in biblical studies.

Robert shares with us some of his memories from the Early Days of the Refounding of the Republic.
Join us in this important effort to restore our Republic and secure a better future for ourselves and future generations.
Once the Republic is stood up the American People can avert disaster. Act now to restore your Republic. Why do we try and make restoration of our Republic seem impossible? The solution has always been the America People. We get what we want. Do you truly want your Republic back? As Americans, we are obligated to preserve of our way of life. America could fix herself quickly if we focus on the fix, Restoring Our Republic. We must join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic. Join us as we move forward in unity. We are filling vacancies now. We have explained why/how the Northwest Ordinance is the pathway towards re-occupying the free states. Why are we saying this? Because the “States” are vacant, replaced with corporations. In essence, the vacant states have the status of territories and need to be re-occupied by the People. We are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic. As the Republic is stood up corporate control will diminish. If the American People rally around their Republic all of this can happen in short order. Again, we are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. Opinions expressed by RNN contributors do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Republic for the United States of America and no federal endorsement is implied. The official interim government stances can be found on the Republic’s website: RepublicfortheUnitedStatesofAmerica.org.
The Republic News Network (RNN) is a broadcaster for the Republic for the United States of America. RNN’s purpose is to connect with the American People and to provide them with a message of hope that the American Republic has been restored. RNN hosts discussions on various topics, including business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, and intelligence, on Tuesday evenings with other patriotic Americans. Through these discussions, RNN aims to inform the American People of important current events and to educate its guests and listeners about the restored Republic.

WOMAN OF VALOR – Dr Sandy Miarecki, Lt Col, USAF (retired)

Join us as we interview Dr Sandy Miarecki, Lt Col, USAF (retired) concerning her release of “HOW TO SAVE AMERICA.” Her answer to stolen elections is for Americans to help reseat the Republic system that our Founding Fathers gave us.