Tag Archives: Alex Jones


In other words, was DJT issuing a WARNING when he said “The Best is Yet to Come”?
In other words, was he telling us that JB is a proxy for BHO?
What other nations is BHO ruling by proxy?
If BHO has been given 42 months to reign, the “who is able to make war with him?”
Kelby discussed the PlanLection and PlanDemic. Roger Waters presents “They want to believe WHAT?” Jim Carpenter summerized. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Adhesion Contract?

Kelby Smith presents how they bind us through adhesion contracts. David Hertler says to educate yourself before making a decision. Dean Henning explained how to get involved in the restoration of YOUR American Republic. Roger Waters presents “What lays ahead,” prophetic insight into our Near Future. Jim Carpenter summarized the program with insight on jurisdiction. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Release of The Kraken on The Deep State

Kelby Smith explains Private vs Public. Dean Henning explains how you can get involved with your American Republic. Roger Waters presents “Transition.” Jim Carpenter exposes the “Kraken”. David Hertler and Dave Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.