Category Archives: Republic Information Conference for Governors

An Appeal to Heaven

An Appeal to Heaven written by President James Buchanan Geiger
Read by David Hertler

Our Fathers appealed to Heaven
What did heaven do?
Heaven heard, Heaven heard.

Our Fathers said they would treat all men equal.
When they did not,
Heaven saw, Heaven saw.

Our Fathers fought each other and paid a great price.
Father Abe kept the Union, but not the Republic.

God Save The Republic.

We forgot the Republic and placed our trust in man
and suffer oppression.

God Save The Republic.

We appealed to Heaven.
What did Heaven Do?
Heaven heard, Heaven heard.

God Save The Republic.

Have You Been Down the Rabbit Hole? To what degree is your mind being controlled externally?

David Hertler takes us further down the Rabbit Hole, while R.D. Peterson gives an update on the Fires of Brazil and how they are related to the spread of Weaponized GMOs. Roger Waters tells us about some of the details of Project MKUltra.

“an acute emergency exists”

Executive Order 6340 and the CCC. Important discussion concerning a major national security issue.

Will the prophets of baal prevail in America?

Don’t miss this exposition on the prophets of baal in America. Is history repeating?

Will the prophets of baal prevail in America?

Don’t miss this exposition on the prophets of baal in America. Is history repeating?

I Had A Dream – Don’t miss this Special Address by President Geiger

President Lincoln was able to preserve the Union but was assassinated before he could restore the Republic. Yes, of necessity, President Lincoln took the necessary steps to preserve the Union. He found himself running an “executive government” since there was no quorum of Congress to perform the legislative duties of the government. In essence he found himself standing as the last bastion of freedom and liberty. He expressed this very well in his Gettysburg address. Namely that the Civil War was about determining whether our Republic, “conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal… that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government: of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

So it is that we Americans today find ourselves engaged in the same battle. Will we resolve that our American Republic that was conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal shall not perish from the earth? That is the question each of us must answer. No longer do we have the luxury of seating on the sidelines and letting others fight for our Liberty. We must understand that the enemy of our souls and the enemy of our Republic are one and the same. The luciferian host of which George Washington warned us about have no problems taking everything away from all Americans, never mind your liberty. They are about destroying our Republic and our liberty with the goal of world domination. So, the question before you today is: Will you stand up and fight? Or, will you go down in history as someone who did not deserve the blessings of liberty? Come stand with your Republic now.

Are You Attending a Deep State Church?

Are those in leadership in your church in fact holding political offices for the State to oversee the activities of the church? Think about it long and hard. Does the ultimate line of authority in your church go to Heaven or to the state? Listen as David Hertler explains:

The Reward for New York’s Finest? and 501c3

David Hertler interviews David Broadhurst about what happens in New York when Civil Servants get injured on the job. R.D. Peterson gives an update on Donna’s Place. Pastor David Hertler explains the black hole of the 501C3. Pastor Bland offers a prayer and summary.

The Reward for New York’s Finest?

David Hertler interviews David Broadhurst about what happens in New York when Civil Servants get injured on the job. R.D. Peterson gives an update on Donna’s Place. Pastor Bland offers a prayer and summary.

Out of Africca?

Pastor Louis Bland gives a heart felt response to President Trump’s Tweet along with David Hertler. Roger Waters follows with additional insight on the Trump Tweet and judicial education.