Category Archives: Media Release

All Hail King Schiff?

Is America witnessing the rise of another Hitler? Are the demoncrates and rhinos controlled by the CIA funded drug cartels? What are they hiding from the American People? Is the fake Impeachment a means for them to rise to power as they manipulate the voting machines?

“The dragon and his angels are in heaven, and seem to have grown up there. This harmonizes with the facts. Our war is not an invasion by a foreign foe, but a rebellion—the rebellion of an enemy which has grown
up in our midst.” Rev. George Phillips, 1864

What Would Lincoln Do with the DC Drug Lords?

Is it Time to Declare a National Emergency?

Can President Trump Save Us From Another Civil War? Here’s How.

Is History Repeating? What was it like in Lincoln’s time? Could Lincoln have stopped the Civil War from happening?

America – Who is Your Best Friend?

David Hertler wants you to know. Listen up. You might learn some Hidden History.


Their Time is About Up.

Did Obama Weaponize Governmental Departments Against the American People? Must Listen.

An Appeal to Heaven

An Appeal to Heaven written by President James Buchanan Geiger
Read by David Hertler

Our Fathers appealed to Heaven
What did heaven do?
Heaven heard, Heaven heard.

Our Fathers said they would treat all men equal.
When they did not,
Heaven saw, Heaven saw.

Our Fathers fought each other and paid a great price.
Father Abe kept the Union, but not the Republic.

God Save The Republic.

We forgot the Republic and placed our trust in man
and suffer oppression.

God Save The Republic.

We appealed to Heaven.
What did Heaven Do?
Heaven heard, Heaven heard.

God Save The Republic.

Have You Been Down the Rabbit Hole? To what degree is your mind being controlled externally?

David Hertler takes us further down the Rabbit Hole, while R.D. Peterson gives an update on the Fires of Brazil and how they are related to the spread of Weaponized GMOs. Roger Waters tells us about some of the details of Project MKUltra.

Will the prophets of baal prevail in America?

Don’t miss this exposition on the prophets of baal in America. Is history repeating?

Will the prophets of baal prevail in America?

Don’t miss this exposition on the prophets of baal in America. Is history repeating?