Jim Carpenter, Roger Waters and David Hertler discussed the First Amendment. Dean Henning explained how to get involved with the Republic. Mark Binder offered a prayer at the end. David Broadhurst opened and closed the show. Now is the time to join with your Republic.

Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1851:
The press, that great barrier and bulwark of the rights of mankind, when it is protected by law, can no longer be free. If the authors, writers, and printers will not accept of the hire that will be offered them, they must submit to the ruin that will be denounced against them . The presses, with much secrecy and concealment, will be made the vehicles of calumny against the minority, and of pane gyric and empirical applauses of the leaders of the majority, and no remedy can possibly be obtained. In one word, the whole system of affairs, and every conceivable motive of hope or fear, will be employed to promote the private interests of a few, and their obsequious majority;


Jim Carpenter, Roger Waters and David Hertler discussed the First and Second Amendments along with Dean Henning and Mark Binder. Mark Binder offered a prayer at the end. David Broadhurst opened and closed the show. Now is the time to join with your Republic.

FROM WYOMING TO THE WORLD – Newly confirmed free State Governor John Pennington shares his heart with the nation.

Newly confirmed free State Governor John Pennington shares his heart with the nation. What is his vision for the nation? Join us as we find out. Will you help us to reseat the Republic that our Founding Fathers gave us?

“There is not a truth to be gathered from history more certain, or more momentous, than this: that civil liberty cannot long be separated from religious liberty without danger, and ultimately without destruction to both. Wherever religious liberty exists, it will, first or last, bring in and establish political liberty.”
Federer, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, “Joseph Story,” (Coppell: FAME Publishing, Inc, 1994) 702-703

The enemy of the people will destroy America unless we act. Will our children inherit a world of darkness and injustice, or one of hope and opportunity? The choice is ours. It’s time to stand up and defend the Republic, for the sake of our children and all future generations. Together, we can restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people, by providing them with the information and education they need, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action. Join us in this fight, and let’s make sure that our children inherit a better world. Will our generation be remembered for rejecting knowledge?

Join us in this important effort to restore our Republic and secure a better future for ourselves and future generations. We can take action to protect the Republic by using the constitutional means at our disposal and alternative forms of communication and organization. We must also restore hope and a belief in our ability to make a difference among the people by providing them with information and education, highlighting successes and progress, and offering opportunities for involvement and action.
We are organizing committees in every state and county to hold transition elections and refill vacant republic seats. If we come together in unity and rally around our Republic, we can restore it in a short amount of time and diminish corporate control, allowing us to preserve our way of life.
The Republic News Network (RNN) is a broadcaster for the Republic for the United States of America. Its purpose is to connect with the American People, provide them with a message of hope, and inform them of important current events and the restored Republic. RNN hosts discussions on various topics and opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Republic and no federal endorsement is implied. The official interim government stances are at:


From racketeering to justice and restoration. How bad is it going to get before the American People get fully involved? Now, all that is needed is the force majeure of the American People in order to finish the job. As Americans, we are obligated to preserve of our way of life.
As Americans, we are obligated to preserve of our way of life. America could fix herself quickly if we focus on the fix, Restoring Our Republic. We must join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic. Join us as we move forward in unity.
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at

Open letter to President Trump

President Geiger reads an open letter to President Trump providing solutions for the CV storm. Roger Waters follows with his view of world events. David Hertler exposes “law makers.” Jim Carpenter sums it all up.

AAA Test

Please practice using Elementor Here Chaplain Wade Butler – Click on pic for Bio  Monday Evenings – Prayer Call5:30 Pac/8:30 EastConf #: (641)7153865Code: 201870# Scriptures for the Healing of the Nation- Calendar Calendar Name Starting Date Kislev 5780 Kislev 5780 Cheshvan 5780 Current Month 10/31/19 10/30/19 Tishrei 20195780 9/31/19 Elul2019.pdf 9/1/2019 TheBiblicalMonthofAV2019.pdf 8/2/2019 TheBiblicalMonthofTammuz2019.pdf 7/3/2019 TheBiblicalMonthofSivan2019.pdfContinue reading AAA Test

An open letter to President Trump

Jean Hertler reads her letter to President Trump advocating clemency for James Timothy Turner, first President of the Restored Republic.


Where is the Third Part?

Kelby Smith talked about “freedom.” Liberty comes from learning the Truth and acting upon it. Dean Henning presented how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic and exhorts the American people to educate themselves with the Re-inhabited book series.
Roger Waters presented “The time has come.”
Jim Carpenter ends with we’re at that turning point. We’re identifying the evil and calling them out so the righteous can get on with their lives. There’s accountability in knowing the truth. The reality is it’s time to choose a jurisdiction.
David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

How to Save America – A short history of how our Republic was hijacked and replaced by a corporation and how a group of dedicated patriots “re-inhabited” the abandoned Republic.

By Dr Sandy Miarecki, Lt Col, USAF (retired)
Her answer to stolen elections is for Americans to help reseat the Republic system that our Founding Fathers gave us.


See the links below for the documents mentioned in the video:

Register as a Republic Voter:


Dunn and Bradstreet, Government of the United States corporation:


28 USC 3002 (The United States is a federal corporation)


Rules for state secession, US Supreme Court: Texas v. White 1869


Secession and Civil War:


Lincoln’s proclamation 22 Sep 1862 (reference to “Executive Government”):


Lincoln’s proclamation 1 Jan 1863 (reference to “Executive Government”):


14th Amendment, section 1, putting US citizenship above state citizenship:


Dunn and Bradstreet, State of Colorado corporation:


Forming a government for US/District of Columbia in 1871 (in violation of Constitution):


Summary of the US corporation:


Missing 13th Amendment (including a photograph):


The Creature from Jekyll Island (G. Edward Griffin):


Federal Reserve bill 1913:


16th Amendment (allowing income tax on corporations):


Dept of Treasury organizational chart:


Social Security is unconstitutional:


Northwest Ordinance of 1787:


“Re-inhabited” Vol 1 and 2, by Jean and David Hertler:


Reading of Republic’s Declaration of Sovereign Intent and Proclamation of Claim and Interest:—Proclamation-of-Claim-and-Interest-of-the-Republic-for-the-United-States-of-America:c


Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates:


NESARA and GESARA (history of the concepts, not sure if all is true)