Midnight Ride


The Republic for the united States of America Proudly Supports:

a James Jaeger Film

When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law


Have you noticed the police and surveilance state being quietly built around us since 9/11?

MIDNIGHT RIDE explores what would happen if the dollar crashes taking the world financial system down with it. How would this police state be used in the ensuing civil unrest? Would martial law be declared? If it were, would this be Consitutional? Should such martial law be obeyed? And what is the purpose for JADE HELM 15? The concerned citizen should be asking these questions.

MIDNIGHT RIDE — inspired by the book, BY TYRANNY OUT OF NECESSITY: The Bastardy of Martial Law by Edwin Vieira, Jr., available at Amazon — explores the nature of martial law and how it relates to the Second Amendment and militia clauses in the U.S. Constitution.



Information about the interim government that is restoring Operations under the Constitution for the United States of America