DownloadRNNCTD – October 19, 2017

THE LAS VEGAS MASS SHOOTINGS – crazed lone gunman or immense cover-up…you decide! 

The mass shootings in Las Vegas have received much publicity from the mainstream press, but their focus always seems to be the same; we must pass intensive new laws that restrict or eliminate the Second Amendment right for private citizens to keep and bear arms.  There are many conflicting details and differing accounts of what really took place at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and the nearby Country Music Jam where the mass shooting occurred.

Continue reading Connecting the Dots – THE LAS VEGAS MASS SHOOTINGS


 I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to The Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Have you pledged your allegiance to the Republic for which our Flag stands? If you answered “Yes,” good for you! You are an … Continue reading GET INVOLVED

Donate to the Republic

At this time the Republic for the United States of America can only achieve its goals with the assistance of generous donations from the Americans that make up the body politic. While the people gladly give of their time, we must pay the bills. Your donation will go toward the website, IT management, communications and … Continue reading Donate to the Republic


IMPORTANT READING TO UNDERSTAND CURRENT EVENTS: COVID19 AND THE GLOBAL PREDATORS WORLD DEPOPULATION PLAN ACTIVATED HOW TO “PROGRAM” HUMANITY WITH A SHOT   DONATIONS Choose your installment amount Option 1 : $20.00 USD – monthlyOption 2 : $50.00 USD – monthlyOption 3 : $100.00 USD – monthlyOption 4 : $250.00 USD – monthlyOption 5 : … Continue reading COVID DEPOPULATION

Volunteer your Skill

The Republic for the United States is looking for committed and qualified people to help us grow this Republic. Many volunteers are needed in all areas, both at the National level and in your States. Consider what area you could make a commitment to and fill out the form below. Many positions will require a … Continue reading Volunteer your Skill

Executive Notices

Notifications from the Executive Branch: You are listening to the Presidential Inauguration Speech of President James Buchanan Geiger, President of the Restored Republic, the interim government for the united States of America which is tasked with restoring operations under the Constitution for the united States of America. September 2, 2013 – Notice of Special Election … Continue reading Executive Notices

Set At Liberty?

David and Jean Hertler talked about God raising up a new warrior on this land with Kirk Cameron and his 100-day American Campfire Revival with 15-minute presentations from Dr Marshall Foster’s book “The American Covenant: The Untold Story.” Followed by a brief discussion by the team about our current status and observations. Dean Henning presented how to get involved in the restoration of the Republic and exhorts the American People to educate themselves with the Re-inhabited book series.
Roger Waters presented “Living with the craziness.”
Jim Carpenter ends with “You live and die by your actions and decisions you make.” It boils down to which jurisdiction do you want? There will be opposition if we don’t choose God’s jurisdiction. David Hertler and David Broadhurst (For the People Radio 101) hosted.

Conference Call Information

Schedule of Calls: Justice Roger Water’s Judicial Call Live SUNDAY EVENINGS 5:00 PDT/ 8:00 EDT Call Number 6677701470 code 4421449# Playback: 6677701319 Code 4421449# Acting Chaplain Robert Zuluaga’s Prayer Call Live MONDAY EVENINGS 5:30 PDT/ 8:30 EDT Call Number 6677701428 code 9676979# Playback: 667 7701349 Code 9676979# Archive Tuesday Evening Training Call for New Officer Candidates Announced on the … Continue reading Conference Call Information

AAA Test

Please practice using Elementor Here Chaplain Wade Butler – Click on pic for Bio  Monday Evenings – Prayer Call5:30 Pac/8:30 EastConf #: (641)7153865Code: 201870# Scriptures for the Healing of the Nation- Calendar Calendar Name Starting Date Kislev 5780 Kislev 5780 Cheshvan 5780 Current Month 10/31/19 10/30/19 Tishrei 20195780 9/31/19 Elul2019.pdf 9/1/2019 TheBiblicalMonthofAV2019.pdf 8/2/2019 TheBiblicalMonthofTammuz2019.pdf 7/3/2019 TheBiblicalMonthofSivan2019.pdf … Continue reading AAA Test