Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for April 5, 2018

Download:  RNNCTD – April 5, 2018

THE LEFT’S UTOPIAN DREAM – or is sustainable development really a nightmare for America’s future?

Independent farmers and ranchers who produce much of America’s meat supply have come under special scrutiny and attack in recent years by federal agencies, environmental NGOs and tax exempt foundations that increasingly support a re-wilded North America and vegan lifestyles.

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Interim Records

The Republic for the United States of America is working on a new website  that will be the “official” website of the interim government.  This is a huge undertaking and will take time to complete.  Until that process is completed, the following pages will be maintained on here: Executive Notices Congressional Record The purpose of … Continue reading Interim Records

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Connecting the Dots – VAXXED – the truth about infant vaccination and autism

DownloadRNNCTD – September 21, 2017

This week our guest will be Emmy Award winning Television Producer Del Bigtree for a discussion of his latest film VAXXED

This week we discuss the documentary movie VAXXED, that threatens to blow the lid off the CDC cover-up of research exposing the direct link between the early childhood/infant vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and the exponential increase in early childhood autism.  Movie Producer and investigative medical journalist, Del Bigtree, will explain the intellectual journey that he and the movie’s Director, Dr. Andy Wakefield, took in the process of making VAXXED.

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Connecting the Dots – Tonight we are revisiting the Bunkerville/Malheur trials

DownloadRNNCTD – October 05, 2017

DO OUR COURT SYSTEMS PROTECT US ? – identifying the true enemies of rural America. 

Tonight we are revisiting the Bunkerville/Malheur trials and the many factors at play that seem to destroy the traditional role of the court to protect the rights of citizens and uphold constitutional law.  Has the threat of terrorism  morphed into a weapon of mass indoctrination in the globalist plan to destroy the concept of private property in America?

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Midnight Ride

  The Republic for the united States of America Proudly Supports: a James Jaeger Film “MIDNIGHT RIDE” When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law    Have you noticed the police and surveilance state being quietly built around us since 9/11? MIDNIGHT RIDE explores what would happen if the dollar crashes taking the world financial system … Continue reading Midnight Ride