Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for February 8, 2018

Download:  RNNCTD – February 8, 2018

TRADING ACCESS FOR $$ – when national leaders trade national security for personal profit. 

This week we will revisit how massive security breaches have been created that threaten the very future of our country, and how access was sold to foreign powers during the Obama Administration by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

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Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for April 19, 2018

Download:  RNNCTD – April 19, 2018

ARTICLE 4, SECTION 4   protecting our borders under the U.S. Constitution!

Article 4 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

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Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for April 5, 2018

Download:  RNNCTD – April 5, 2018

THE LEFT’S UTOPIAN DREAM – or is sustainable development really a nightmare for America’s future?

Independent farmers and ranchers who produce much of America’s meat supply have come under special scrutiny and attack in recent years by federal agencies, environmental NGOs and tax exempt foundations that increasingly support a re-wilded North America and vegan lifestyles.

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Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for February 15, 2018

Download:  RNNCTD – February 15, 2018

DEALING WITH THE DEEP STATE – finding ways return sanity to national security

Donald Trump has been attacked by the political class since he announced his candidacy for President,

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Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for March 1, 2018

Download:  RNNCTD – March 1, 2018

Indigenous People -pawns of globalist planners

Native Americans and other indigenous people worldwide are being used as pawns in a very dangerous game by globalist planners and socialist progressives that are hell-bent on destroying traditional

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Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for April 12, 2018

Download:  RNNCTD – April 12, 2018

FIGHTING BACK AGAINST MARXISM – learning to just say no and meaning it!!

In 1969 Detroit, a project known as the Children’s Community School was being touted as a wonderful new program that would instruct young students in a different, much more effective way.

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Executive Summary

Click Here to Download a Current Copy: Executive Summary  Executive Summary for the Republic 
cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be able to subvert the Power of the People and to usurp for themselves the reins of Government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion
The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate 
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Connecting the Dots – 9/11 and the day that changed America forever

Download:  RNNCTD – October 12, 2017

REVISITING THE FACTS SURROUNDING  9/11 – the day that changed America Forever! 

This week we will revisit the facts surrounding the destruction of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the subsequent collapse of Building 7 and the evidence that critically challenges the report by the 9/11 Commission that the buildings collapsed from plane impacts and their ensuing fires.

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Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for January 25, 2018

Download:  RNNCTD – January 25, 2018

EDUCATING FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER – communism and public education. 

Charlotte Iserbyt became President Ronald Reagan’s Senior Policy Advisor on Education with the original mission of shutting down the already entrenched Department of Education that had become a cabinet level agency just a few years earlier under President Jimmy Carter.

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