Should the American People stand idly by while we let the luciferins destroy America?
Why are we obligated, as Americans, to be putting our time and energy into rebuilding the Republic? America could fix herself quickly if we focus on the fix, Restoring Our Republic. We must join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic. Join us as we move forward in unity.
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at

Connecting the Dots – A discussion of the role and responsibilities of local/county governments

Download:  RNNCTD – November 16, 2017

The Responsibilities and Role of Local/County Governments – why regionalism and Federal overreach must be stopped. 

Our guest Jim Carlson will discuss the nature and extent of Federal overreach and the impacts of regionalism in local matters that impact average citizens in ways that would be inconceivable only a generation ago. We are losing our constitutional republic through a form of gradualism and mission creep that threatens to destroy the most fundamental rights of most Americans and our local leaders don’t seem to see it happening.  Continue reading Connecting the Dots – A discussion of the role and responsibilities of local/county governments

Midnight Ride

  The Republic for the united States of America Proudly Supports: a James Jaeger Film “MIDNIGHT RIDE” When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law    Have you noticed the police and surveilance state being quietly built around us since 9/11? MIDNIGHT RIDE explores what would happen if the dollar crashes taking the world financial system … Continue reading Midnight Ride


You decide upon the evidence presented. Sandy tells her story of how our military is being decimated from within. No federal endorsement is implied.
As Americans, we are obligated to preserve of our way of life. America could fix herself quickly if we focus on the fix, Restoring Our Republic. We must join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic. Join us as we move forward in unity.
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at

Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for February 22, 2018

Download:  RNNCTD – February 22, 2018

RESTORING the REPUBLIC THROUGH ACTIVISM – providing solutions that work.

This week we will be focusing on solutions and harnessing the talent of young, involved patriots that understand what is happening to America and are dedicated to restoring American exceptionalism and the concept of republican government. Our guests are two very young and very talented nationally renowned motivational speakers who will provide answers and activist solutions to reverse 21st Century American progressivism.

Continue reading Connecting the Dots – Connecting the Dots Radio Program for February 22, 2018

President Geiger on Implementation of the Northwest Ordinance

The above is the 25Jun2024 training call in which President Geiger discussed the Implementation of the Northwest Ordinance and it’s Addendum (Draft.) Please note that the beginning of the call was not recorded in which the President spoke about the required reading material for Republic Office Holders (Re-Inhabited: Republic for the United States of America Volume I: America’s Truthful History AND Re-Inhabited: Republic for the United States of America Volume II: The Story of the Re-inhabitation.) 

Connecting the Dots – Replacing Constitutional Governments – using regionalism and councils of government to control us

Download:  RNNCTD – December 21, 2017

A discussion of elected officials in rolling back the UN policies that appointed regional councils known as “Councils of Government”

This week our guest Michael Shaw will explain in detail how the United Nations plans to replace local elected governments with regional appointed officials and Councils of Government that end the American system of constitutional republican government.

Continue reading Connecting the Dots – Replacing Constitutional Governments – using regionalism and councils of government to control us


We explain why/how the Northwest Ordinance is the pathway towards re-occupying the states. Why are we saying this? Because the “States” are vacant, replaced with corporations. In essence, the vacant states have the status of territories and need to be re-occupied by the People. We are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic. As the Republic is stood up corporate control will diminish. If the American People rally around their Republic all of this can happen in short order. Again, we are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic.
As Americans, we are obligated to preserve of our way of life. America could fix herself quickly if we focus on the fix, Restoring Our Republic. We must join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic. Join us as we move forward in unity.
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at

Resource Library

Republic for the United States of America Documents Executive Summary and others Executive Summary Mission Statement Joint Resolution to Affirm Unity Flag Act Our Republican form of Government Transition to the Republic Multimedia Library Multimedia Library Historical Study Aids Founding Documents NARA – The Declaration of Independence – A Transcription NARA – The Constitution of … Continue reading Resource Library


 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 KJV To Make a Donation an Download the PDF Version of REINHABITED Volumes I & II   Click Here To Order REINHABITED Volumes I & II   Click Here Reinhabited: Republic for the United States of America Volume I – … Continue reading ReInhabited