Justice Waters explains the facts of a possible upcoming nuclear war. The bottom line is there are no winners in a nuclear war. He warns us to put on a war-time mindset.
Justice Waters explains the facts of a possible upcoming nuclear war. The bottom line is there are no winners in a nuclear war. He warns us to put on a war-time mindset. Once the Republic is stood up the American People can avert disaster. Act now to restore your Republic. Why do we try and make restoration of our Republic seem impossible? The solution has always been the America People. We get what we want. Do you truly want your Republic back? As Americans, we are obligated to preserve of our way of life. America could fix herself quickly if we focus on the fix, Restoring Our Republic. We must join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic. Join us as we move forward in unity. We are filling vacancies now. We have explained why/how the Northwest Ordinance is the pathway towards re-occupying the free states. Why are we saying this? Because the “States” are vacant, replaced with corporations. In essence, the vacant states have the status of territories and need to be re-occupied by the People. We are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic. As the Republic is stood up corporate control will diminish. If the American People rally around their Republic all of this can happen in short order. Again, we are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. No federal endorsement is implied. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.


Understanding the Proclamation of Claim and Interest.
This week we begin reading from the Declaration of Sovereign Intent (DSI), part of the package served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the International Court of Justice, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and The United Nations (UN) in 2012. Why is the DSI of fundamental importance to the American People? We explain.
Once the Republic is stood up the American People can avert disaster. Act now to restore your Republic. Why do we try and make restoration of our Republic seem impossible? The solution has always been the America People. We get what we want. Do you truly want your Republic back? As Americans, we are obligated to preserve of our way of life. America could fix herself quickly if we focus on the fix, Restoring Our Republic. We must join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic. Join us as we move forward in unity. We are filling vacancies now. We have explained why/how the Northwest Ordinance is the pathway towards re-occupying the free states. Why are we saying this? Because the “States” are vacant, replaced with corporations. In essence, the vacant states have the status of territories and need to be re-occupied by the People. We are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic. As the Republic is stood up corporate control will diminish. If the American People rally around their Republic all of this can happen in short order. Again, we are organizing committees in every state and county with the goal of holding lawful elections to refill vacant republic seats. In short, we want to hold transition elections to restore the republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. No federal endorsement is implied. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.

Connecting the Dots – National Security breaches under the Obama Administration – PART 2

Download:  RNNCTD – November 9, 2017

EXTERNAL ENEMIES and ENEMIES WITHIN – bringing America to her knees by collusion – PART 2 

This week will be a continuation and Part II of last week where we were discussing how  subversive activity has lead to massive security breaches that threaten the very future of our country.  Our guests for this Part II series, Mary Fanning and Alan Jones will show how the Port Canaveral handover and modern day nuclear and EMP threats are directly connected, and how our way of life is threatened in ways that could not have happened without the collusion of our national leadership during the Obama Administration.

Continue reading Connecting the Dots – National Security breaches under the Obama Administration – PART 2

Connecting the Dots – ELECTRO MAGNETIC PULSE THREATS – why have we done nothing to harden our electrical grid

Download:  RNNCTD – November 30, 2017

ELECTRO MAGNETIC PULSE THREATS – why have we done nothing to harden our electrical grid

Severalweeks ago we learned from Mary Fanning and Alan Jones how massive security breaches led to the transfer of Port Canaveral to foreign nationals who threaten the future of our country.  This week our guests will be Dr. Peter Pry and Clare Lopez to discuss the very real threat of EMP weapons being used to take down our entire electrical grid and most of our electronic devices that are essential to our hi-tech society.


Download:  RNNCTD – November 2, 2017

EXTERNAL ENEMIES and ENEMIES WITHIN – bringing America to her knees by collusion 

Last week Trevor Loudon exposed the many of enemies within our own government that have been working passionately to destroy our constitutional republic and turn America into their vision of a Marxist utopia.  This week we will learn how that subversive activity has lead to massive security breaches that threaten the very future of our country.

Continue reading Connecting the Dots – EXTERNAL ENEMIES and ENEMIES WITHIN

Congressional Record

2012071701 Republic Treasury Note Act of 2012: An Act to Create a Republic Treasury Note Program Treasury Note Act 2012071701 v2 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2012061203 Republic de jure Money Act of 2012 Republic de jure Money Act 2012061203 v1.0 _______________________________________________________________________________________  2012061202 Equal Footing Act of 2012 Equal Footing Act 2012061202 v4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2012061201 American Security Act:  An … Continue reading Congressional Record

Statutes At Large 1789-1871

Statutes at Large 1789 – 1871 Disclaimer: We have included here the Statutes at Large from 1789 through 1871 for research purposes. The Constitution for the United States is clear in Article VI Section 2, “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, … Continue reading Statutes At Large 17891871


We hope the answer you give is an imperative NO. That being said, we must learn to join together as we fight against the enemies within and without as we work towards restoring our Republic.
That is the message of this broadcast. Join us as we move forward in unity.
For the People Radio 101 and Restoring Your Republic are broadcasts for the Republic for the United States of America. The purpose of the Republic News Network (RNN) is to reach out to the American People with our message of hope, that the American Republic has been restored. Tuesday evenings each week we engage in discussions about business, industry, military, law enforcement, faith, intelligence with other patriotic Americans in an effort to inform the American People of important current events and at the same time educate our guest and listeners about the restored American Republic.
Opinions stated by various contributors to RNN are not to be considered as endorsed by officers and members of the Republic for the United States of America. RNN speakers are free to express their own opinions, however they are not speaking officially for the Republic, whether a Republic Officer or not. Official interim government stances are posted, in writing, at

List of Mutually Supportive Groups

A very large number of prominent individuals, groups, organizations, and movements of concerned, similarminded People have sprungup over the past several years. Of these, many have a specific area of focus to regain certain rights and/or functions within the government that have been lost by– or stolen from- the American People. Much of what these … Continue reading List of Mutually Supportive Groups